2023年4月19日 星期三

Thiago Silva:我們必須好好制定策略避免重蹈覆轍、這可能是我最後一場歐冠比賽、不理解為何無法進球

蒂亞戈.席爾瓦輸球後沒在怕,直接講了: "我想第一步的錯誤已經犯了。如果我們不扛起責任的話,我們實在不能去責怪主教練們。這對俱樂部來說是段艱難時期,有太多的遲疑不決。更換老闆、新球員到來,我們甚至需要加大更衣室,因為整支隊伍快塞不下了。"

"積極之處是球隊裡有棒的球員,但另一方面,也總是有球員會不開心,因為不是每個人都可以上場。主教練只能從 30 多人裡挑選 11 人,這太難了。有些人無法進入名單內,因為我們在 1 月就簽了 8 個球員。我們必須停下來,好好制定一個策略,不然下賽季我們可能會重蹈覆轍。"



Thiago Silva: It’s sad to finish like that

19 APR 2023

After what he acknowledged could be his final Champions League match, Thiago Silva explained the range of emotions he was feeling and detailed what the remainder of this campaign holds for the Blues.


The defender’s Chelsea story will definitely continue into 2023/24, but there will be no Champions League football at the Bridge for him to enjoy because of our exit to Real Madrid last night, coupled with our midtable league standing.

蒂亞戈.席爾瓦在卻爾西的故事肯定會持續到 2023/24 賽季,但由於我們昨晚被皇家馬德里淘汰,加上我們目前聯賽中游的排名,他可能無法繼續在效力卻爾西期間參加歐冠比賽。

That added to his sense of regret after the European champions left west London with a 2-0 win on the night and a 4-0 aggregate victory, despite the feeling things could have gone very differently if we had been more clinical in the final third.

皇馬在第二回合中 2-0 取勝,帶著 4-0 的總比分離開了斯坦福橋,這讓蒂亞戈.席爾瓦更加後悔,儘管他覺得如果我們在進攻三區內表現得更加冷靜,事情可能會有很大的不同。

‘It’s a bit of frustration, a bit of disappointment, a bit of anger,’ said Thiago. ‘It’s possibly my last match in the Champions League, and it’s sad to finish like that. The frustration is there, above all with how the game went.

“有點挫折、有點失望、有點憤怒。” 蒂亞戈說, “這可能是我的最後一場歐冠比賽,以這樣的方式結束讓我很難過。我確實感到挫折,尤其是對比賽進行的方式。

‘The match over there was very difficult. Here the first half we played very well, controlled the match, and stopped goalscoring opportunities. After that, if you don’t score against a team like Real Madrid, that’s what happens. That’s the level.


‘I don’t know how many matches we have failed to score, but the most difficult thing to do is create goalscoring opportunities,’ added Thiago.

“我不知道我們有多少場比賽沒進球了,但最困難的事情是創造進球機會,” 蒂亞戈補充道。

‘Then not putting it in the net, I don’t understand exactly why. But we shouldn’t just blame the attackers, because the defenders have had chances too. At the end of the first half, Cucurella had one, if he scores the match is a different one in the second half. But that’s football.’


With our hopes of winning a third Champions League now over, the Blues are realistically playing for pride in the coming weeks, while also trying to forge on-pitch relationships that can serve us well leading into next season. Thiago’s message is clear on what he wants to see is clear.


‘We have seven matches left, and we need to look for the victory in each of them,’ he stressed. ‘When we wear the Chelsea shirt we have to give everything to win. It’s difficult but we must continue, raise our heads and keep working.’

“我們還剩下七場比賽,我們需要爭取每一場比賽的勝利。” 他強調, “當我們穿上卻爾西球衣時,我們必須全力以赴去贏球。這很困難,但我們必須繼續,抬起頭繼續努力。”



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