2023年4月27日 星期四

Frank Lampard:球員們很努力但缺乏信心、Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang 確實帶來不同、我不在乎外人的看法


Lampard: Application is not lacking but confidence is

26 APR 2023

Frank Lampard felt Chelsea’s lack of decisiveness in the final third was the principle reason for our defeat against Brentford.


That the Bees had one shot on target – that a heavily deflected Bryan Mbuemo effort – and scored twice rather summed up our recent fortunes. Fifteen attempts of ours amounted to nothing, despite a flurry of decent chances early in the second half, as the Blues yet again fired blanks. April has yielded one goal in seven games.

布倫特福德只有一腳射正,是姆貝莫的一腳強烈折射的射門,但他們取得了兩個進球,這可以說是我們最近運氣的總結。我們的 15 次射門都是徒勞,儘管下半場開始階段有很多不錯的機會,但藍軍又一次沒有進球,4 月在 7 場比賽中只進了 1 個球。

In his assessment of our latest defeat, Lampard was sympathetic towards his team’s plight, although he also acknowledged the fans’ frustration at the end of another disappointing day in SW6.


‘I feel for the players a bit because at the moment they are low on confidence,’ said Lampard. ‘Everyone is around 30 per cent lower on confidence. It’s not an application thing. You control the game, you create some chances, but when we get them, we are not taking them. We are lacking the belief when we get to the top end of the pitch.

“我有點同情球員們,因為他們現在缺乏信心,” 蘭帕德說。 “每個人的信心都下降了 30% 左右,這不是努力的問題。我們控制著比賽,創造了一些機會,但當我們得到機會的時候卻沒有把握住。當到達對方禁區的時候,我們缺乏信心。”

‘Brentford are good at what they do. We dominated the second half, but they scored on a breakaway. The details of the game are pretty clear.


‘I just told the players it is not a sob story that everything is going against us, but I can’t talk about any application things about the squad. They are trying everything, they are really disappointed in the dressing room and the fans should have no doubt about that.


‘I have no problem with fans booing,’ added Lampard. ‘I am not sitting here to go against the fans and say don’t boo the players. Absolutely not. But I will defend the players because they are young lads who want to do well. Is there an issue with confidence? Yeah. Is there an issue with the balance of the squad? Yeah.

“我對球迷開噓沒有意見,” 蘭帕德補充道。 “我不是要反對球迷,說不要噓球員,絕對不是,但我會為球員們辯護,因為他們都是想要踢出表現的年輕人。現在有信心問題嗎?是的。球隊現在的平衡有問題嗎?是的。”

‘If you think Brentford are going to come and turn you around and have corners and throw-ins, and you’re going to walk that game, it’s not the case any time. And when you’re in a moment of a lack of confidence, it’s difficult to win any game.


‘I’m not exonerating the players, but I am supporting them. They performed in my opinion like they wanted to win it.’


Lampard changed formation at half-time and made two subs, one of which was the introduction of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, who looked lively


‘Auba comes on and has a couple of moments. He hasn’t played so many minutes. Maybe a fresh Auba scores those goals.


‘Auba has been a tough one for me. I have complete respect for him as a player. He’s scored 300 goals in his career. He couldn’t play the two Madrid games for me because he’s not in the squad. He came on against Wolves.

“奧巴梅揚的問題對我來說很難。作為一名球員,我完全尊重他,他在職業生涯中進了 300 個球。他不能為我出戰兩場對皇馬的比賽,因為他不在歐冠名單中,但他在對陣狼隊的比賽中出場。”

‘For a number nine particularly to be sharp playing regularly is key. He was in my thinking for today anyway. He certainly has the profile of a number nine, which we don’t have elsewhere in the squad, so I did see a difference when he came on.’

“對 9 號球員來說,經常上場是保持敏銳的關鍵。我今天也考慮過他,他當然有 9 號球員的特性,這是隊中其他球員所沒有的,所以當他上場時,我確實看到了不同。”

Lampard recognised our current struggles and underlined the desire to change things


‘This club has been through many good moments, but at the moment it is tough. We would love a magic wand, it does not come in football or the Premier League. We will have to fight for our good moments and find balance going forward.


‘Some of the recruitment has been at younger players and you have to understand it will take time. Everyone is very short-term at this moment in football, so people might not see through it yet.


‘I am proud of the players giving good application. This club is used to winning a lot, but now those aims are not there, so we have to keep going.’



以下內容出自 football.london:

Every word Frank Lampard said on Chelsea jeopardy, exonerating players, Cucurella and Aubameyang

By Scott Trotter, Chelsea writer - 23:11, 26 APR 2023

.How did you assess the performance? Unlucky with the first goal?

I think we knew the moment that we're in. Madrid was a version of it, we missed chances, then the games goes against you. Today I think we had a footballing control of the game. Brentford will always make it difficult by turning you around and winning throw-ins and corners. Obviously the goal comes from that.

.Players not involved, who was fit or unfit?

Cucurella is injured. He injured himself in training two days ago. He will be out for a few weeks with a quad injury. Bettinelli injured, recovering. The others, not in the squad.

.Ten goals in Chelsea's starting lineup, impossible to get more goals, what can you do with the players as a group? Does it need to change?

We'll see about that. There is a balance of the squad to address, everyone can see that. You're right about what can you do because this has been a problem that predates me coming into this.

When there are not so many goals you also have to make sure you've players who can do a tactical job and work for the team. We saw that against Madrid, played a similar starting lineup in terms of goal, everybody told me there aren't many goals, those are my options.

We have to keep working and fighting to try and create opportunities to score goals. I think it's two things. Maybe there aren't goals so much in the team and when you are low on confidence, that last bit, that last chance. Auba comes on and has a couple of moments. Auba hasn't played so many minutes, maybe a fresh Auba comes on and scores those goals.

There are different parts to that. It's a clear issue with the squad hence why we haven't scored enough goals for a team like Chelsea.

.Where will you find confidence in the remaining fixtures?

That's just a reality, we've got a really tough run-in. Three of those top four games are away from home. I don't think it's worth going one step further than the next one at the minute which is Arsenal. So the team have to be motivated, there's a lot on it.

Even though people go 'there's not much on it for you, you're not going to get in Europe, you're not going to get relegated'. At the same time you have be individually motivated. I thought today they were. Then you have to keep fighting for the turn. I've been a player in a moment, maybe not similar to exactly now, but individually. Sometimes you rely on a teammate who is in great confidence, great nick and they get you a result on a night like tonight. At the minute we're in a collective moment like that.

The only way out of it is to work. We play a back three in the first half and control the game, we're not effective enough at the top end of the pitch. We go back four, we're more effective but concede on the counter-attack. It's not a tactical problem for me at the minute in the short term. At the minute there's clearly a confidence problem and I can see that in the players faces because they're not sitting there bemoaning each other at this moment. There's a nature of them being down. I walked into that, they've been living it longer than me and we're trying everything to effect it. Firstly with performance, and then for results. We have to keep going with that.

.Five defeats, did you underestimate the size of the task? Could it damage you as a manager?

I don't know. I'm not concerned about what people outside think because I don't think they ever understand the conditions of what you're working with. There's an understanding of where we're at as a club. Two of those games against Real Madrid and clearly when I came in, I'm here for a reason, the results weren't what they want.

The challenge, I didn't have a bar what the challenge was going to be. I understood there would be challenges behind the scenes because of where we are. That's been clear to me coming in. In a short time frame, it's really hard at this stage of the season to get that turn, you just have to keep working for it and we haven't got it yet. I'm not concerned, I took it on knowing the jeopardy of what it might be.

I'm very proud to manage here and I've been in similar situations. I came here in a difficult moment before and we had big success in my first year. I went to Everton, I had a challenge to stay in the league, I stayed in the league. People will always perceive me in a different way anyway. In this short term, I'm not worried, I want to win games, it's clear. I understand the problems as to why we're probably not winning games. I got asked before about belief and how you're going to change that. I can't just say 'lads, believe' and they're going to run out and believe. These things take time and a bit of work and then maybe something goes in your favour.

Tonight nothing went in our favour. We have to keep working towards the idea that something will. If it's against Arsenal, Bournemouth or Forest. The bigger picture for Chelsea will be much bigger as the club moves forward in the summer and onwards. In this short period with the players I'm working with, they need to dig deep to find that one.

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