2023年4月30日 星期日

Malo Gusto:這次受傷讓我能重新關注自己的身心健康、我想為 Lyon 拚到歐戰資格


Malo Gusto on his rehab at Chelsea and finishing well at Lyon

30 APR 2023

Malo Gusto, currently on loan from Chelsea at French side Lyon, has opened up about the mental and physical challenges he faced during his time in the treatment room this spring.


Malo missed a total of 11 matches for Lyon between the months of February and April and spent weeks at our Surrey training base during his rehabilitation phase.

從 2 月到 4 月馬洛總共缺席了里昂的 11 場比賽,在康復階段,他在我們的薩里訓練基地待了幾週。

It was an ideal learning curve for the young Frenchman, not only because he could get used to his new Chelsea team-mates and surroundings at Cobham, but also to see how he would react to a tough moment in his early career.


After returning to the field recently, Malo spoke of his rehabilitation period and the difficulties that came along the way.


‘My rehabilitation was well managed,' he said. 'There have been regular exchanges between the two clubs for my injury. I was able to recover well, that was the most important thing. I had regular contact with the staff and they came to see me in London. They have always been behind me.

“我的復健被管理得很好,” 他說, “兩家俱樂部一直就我的傷勢進行定期的交流。我能很好地康復,這是最重要的事。我經常和工作人員聯繫,他們來倫敦看我,他們一直支持著我。”

‘I was also well supported by my family. I wanted to come to answer your questions because a lot has been said and a lot was wrong. I'm a kid at the club, I gave everything for this shirt and some thought I was delaying my return to stay at Chelsea. It moved me. People interpret as they want. I always wanted to play and give it my all. It wasn't the most comfortable situation. I thought my absence would be shorter.’


Times on the sidelines often call for a shift in focus and perspective, and while spending time in London during the month of March, the 19-year-old says he could focus on his mental wellbeing.

在場外的時間,球員經常需要改變注意力和想法,而 3 月在倫敦的時候,這位 19 歲的球員說他可以專注於自己的精神健康。

‘I was able to refocus on my physical and mental health. I tried to clear my mind; it was important for me because I was mentally tired. This break served me. I did half of my rehabilitation at Chelsea and the last part at Lyon. Both clubs wanted me to come back in the best shape. Everything went well.’


Lyon still have five domestic matches to play before the season’s end, with the hosting of Montpellier next weekend, as well as Monaco and Nice to come. Malo is eyeing a strong end to the campaign.

在賽季結束前,里昂還有 5 場國內比賽要打,包括下週末主場迎戰蒙彼利埃,以及即將到來的摩納哥和尼斯,馬洛希望能強勢結束這個賽季。

‘This is just the beginning. I have to regain rhythm and confidence. I'm concentrating on Lyon's last matches to move up the rankings. I want to leave the club with European qualification.’




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