2023年4月19日 星期三

Frank Lampard:前60分鐘踢得好但該進未進、之後不能讓標準下降、俱樂部未來終將強勢回歸


Lampard on a good hour, missed chances and a benchmark being set

18 APR 2023

Frank Lampard felt Chelsea were the better side for an hour against Real Madrid and he hopes his players can now build on the standards they set and learn from what our opponents did to win this Champions League tie.


The Blues had several good chances to go ahead on the night, but we were punished for our profligacy on the hour when Rodrygo put the European champions in front. The Brazilian added a second before the end to ensure an emphatic aggregate victory for Real, but despite the final outcome Lampard could still be pleased with some aspects of our performance.


‘We played really well for 60 minutes,’ said Lampard. ‘I picked a team that was the most form team individually, and the fittest team in terms of what this game was going to ask of us, and they showed they could compete with Real Madrid.

“我們在 60 分鐘內踢得非常好。” 蘭帕德說, “我選擇了一支個人狀態最好的球隊,從這場比賽對我們的要求來看,這是最適合的陣容,他們證明了自己可以與皇馬對抗。”

‘Once they got the goal, to make it 3-0 on aggregate, then of course we had to make some changes to go and chase the tie, and maybe how you saw the game pan out from there was possibly expected, but for 60 minutes or so I thought we were really good.

“一旦皇馬進球,總比分變成 3-0,我們就必須做出一些改變才有可能追平比分,也許比賽結果可能是意料之中的,但在 60 分鐘左右的時間裡,我認為我們真的表現得很好。”

‘Having said that, at this level when you create some really good chances as we did, then you simply have to take them.


‘I’m not one for praising performances too much when we’ve lost, but when you consider where we are and where we’ve been, there were some positives to take for sure.


‘We had big energy, big organisation in the team, caused Real Madrid a lot of problems. The only thing that was missing from our game was a goal. Our game was exactly how I wanted it, and one goal or two goals in that 60 minutes changes the face of the tie. We didn’t do that and they’re so clinical, you saw the result.’

“我們精力充沛,組織嚴密,給皇馬製造了很多麻煩。我們在比賽中唯一缺少的就是一個進球。這樣的比賽完全是我想要的,60 分鐘內的一或兩個進球就可以改變比賽的面貌。我們沒有做到,他們則抓住了機會,最終就是這樣的結果。”

The caretaker manager felt Real should have gone down to 10 men at 0-0

蘭帕德認為皇馬本該在 0-0 的時候十人作戰

‘Militao for me was a second yellow card. At this level we see yellow cards given a lot. That one in the attacking final third with our player beyond their centre-back, and gets brought down, normally that’s a yellow card, which means red, which means half-an-hour of here we go.


‘That is what we had to do in the Bernabeu, maybe that’s what they would have had to have done here, but it didn’t happen.’


Lampard believes his players have set a benchmark for the rest of this season


‘We’ve played against world-class opposition tonight and we’ve been the better side for 60 minutes or so. For me, it’s important now that we don’t allow that standard to drop. That’s the one message for us to relay in-house once the dust settles on this game.

“我們今晚面對的是世界級的對手,而我們在 60 分鐘左右的時間裡表現得更好。對我來說,現在重要的是我們不能讓這個標準下降,這是我們在比賽結束後要傳達給內部的訊息。”

‘I’ve been here two weeks now and I’m really hungry to do my best for this club, for my club, and I certainly won’t be letting anyone take their foot off.


‘This is a club that’s used to going further in this competition and tonight, it wasn’t our night. But it’s important the lads learn from this and understand what it’s like and what’s needed at this level.


Lampard finishing by looking forward


‘The next step is day off tomorrow, back to work Thursday, get working towards Brentford. People will make a lot about this season for Chelsea because we’ve had so much success.


‘The reality is this club is going to be back. It will take work and a bit of process, and the fans appreciated the performance today. We have to latch on to that and get results and performances until the end of the season, and then go again next year.’



以下內容出自 football.london:

Every word Frank Lampard said on Chelsea loss, Militao decision and Champions League prospects

By Scott Trotter, Chelsea writer & Bobby Vincent, Chelsea Writer - UPDATED 00:16, 19 APR 2023

.When the dust settles, I just wonder if you could give us an insight of what Chelsea do to pick themselves up?

We have to. The reality at this level, we've been fortunate enough to have success for 20 years. Many clubs in the Premier League would dream of our success and Champions Leagues year after year, Premier League winners. Maybe if this is a year where we're not quite where we want to be and there are probably reasons for the transition. A few years ago we didn't make the Champions League for the following year and Chelsea then won the Premier League the next year so you can't be too short term with it. 

I think there are obviously places we want to improve at the club and maybe the level of game tonight shows that where we played a good game and we lose. I don't think it's time to jump too far ahead of the step that is front of you. The step in front of us is seven games in the Premier League to show that performance. That's the standard. The end bit, being clinical and scoring is absolutely crucial and something we need to address.

.Didier Drogba spoke this evening and said he didn't recognise the club, what do you make of it?

They're Didier's comments.

.You helped set the standard at this club, how do you go about trying to raise those and what is the motivation for the players?

I've been asked that in every interview, and I understand that, but the motivation has to be playing for Chelsea. There are some players that are maybe quite new here, getting used to the club and that maybe isn't easy. Some of the greatest players in the Premier League, when they first arrive they need some time and sometimes they arrive and they’re put in and they find their feet and you see them flying. So maybe there’s a reason with some of our players where they need transitioning but in terms of motivation: you’re playing for Chelsea. There’s individual motivations throughout the squad and there’s a collective. And for me, you have to be competitive with everything we do every day and to get into the team you have to show it. 

.What do you see for the rest of the season?

I just see it as a chance to work here every day which is a pleasure for me because of my link to the club. I enjoy that side. I don’t like losing games. I came into a team low on confidence, losing a lot of games, we haven’t had time to work. We now get a little period to work. People on the outside may well write it off, coming in eighth or 12th, or whatever it is. To me it means a lot. That for me is the challenge: to raise performance. 

I keep saying I haven’t had time to work, I have now had some time to work and I saw things today that I liked. There’s no doubt in that first 60 minutes. You ask Carlo how they felt in the first-half – we gave them a lot of problems. Individuals were performing at the level we want, the team was performing how we want. Brighton wasn’t at the level, I said that after the game and we can’t be a team that turns up here and doesn’t turn up there. It’s now competitive all the way through.

.How important is it that this is a one-off in terms of Chelsea being out of the Champions League and how confident are you that it will only be one season out?

I think the way that the Premier League is moving so fast, the landscape changes. To say that any given team has this divine right to be in the top-four and in the Champions League, it’s tough. Manchester United have spent time out of the Champions League, Arsenal have spent time out of the Champions League. Lots of big clubs have. In this moment, to try and predict what is going to happen going forward – will it be good or bad – is pretty pointless. But I do think we can set the building blocks now to where we want to get to. 

I’m here for a reason, obviously, because this season being what it is and this role that I’m in. Can I affect it in this period? Hopefully, yeah, but the bigger thing for the club will be that we want to get back to where we were. But the challenge is big. Every club is investing. Maybe some clubs are more stable than we are at the minute in terms of the squad. So I don’t think we can get ahead of ourselves in terms of moments like tonight where there’s disappointment. 

I know what it takes to get back from being here as a player for a long time and as a coach before in the Champions League. We have to set those standards high again and I keep saying the same stuff but only the work of the group and having a clear direction from the group is the way. Let’s see it. In my next seven games, I will do my mini version of that. If the performance can rise, I think it will give the fans a good feeling and give us a good feeling in the summer and I think that’s as far as we can look.

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