2023年4月10日 星期一

Christian Pulisic:再次面對 Real Madrid,我們想要復仇


Pulisic up for Real rematch

10 APR 2023

Winger says he would not want to play Chelsea in the Champions League…


Christian Pulisic played a major part in Chelsea’s Champions League semi-final success over Real Madrid two seasons ago. The American scored in the first-leg 1-1 draw in the Spanish capital and then supplied the cross for Mason Mount to make it 2-0 in the home meeting, all but putting the tie beyond doubt.

兩個賽季前普利西克在卻爾西戰勝皇家馬德里的歐冠半決賽中發揮了重要作用。在西班牙首都的首回合中藍軍 1-1 戰平,第二回合他為芒特送出了傳中,將比分改寫為 2-0,幾乎讓比賽變得毫無懸念。

There was less success against them in the quarter-finals last year when Pulisic came on in both games as we ran the side that would be crowned European champions close, but he is looking forward to the opportunity to tilt the balance back in the Blues’ favour in this competition, when we renew this recent rivalry with Real later this week.


‘It seems like we have played them every year I have been here so it is a big team, we are excited, have beaten them in the past and are ready for the challenge,’ Pulisic says before recalling last year’s 5-4 aggregate defeat.

“似乎我在這裡時我們每年都和皇馬交手,他們是一支強隊,我們很興奮,過去我們曾擊敗過他們,我們已經準備好迎接挑戰了。” 普利西克回憶起去年總比分 4-5 的失利時說。

‘It could have gone either way for sure. We want some payback and hopefully beat them. You have to beat some good teams if you want to win the Champions League so we are ready for it. We are a confident team, we know we have good enough players to do some damage in this competition.'


Pulisic acknowledges it will not be easy but does not see why the spirit of 2021 cannot be summoned up again.

普利西克承認這並不容易,但他認為我們可以再次喚起 2021 年的精神。

‘Are we going to have big fights, tough battles and big teams to play against to get there [the Champions League final], yes,’ says the 24-year-old. ‘We are ready for it and excited for the challenge.

“是的,為了進入歐冠決賽,我們會有激烈的奮戰、艱苦的戰鬥和強大的對手。” 這位 24 歲的球員說, 我們已經準備好迎接挑戰了,也感到很興奮。”

‘I wouldn't want to play Chelsea in the Champions League. We were in a similar situation the last time we won the Champions League, halfway through the year. We were struggling in the league and a lot of people were counting us out. Look what happened then.’


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