2023年4月7日 星期五

Isaiah 'Izzy' Brown 因傷退役

Izzy Brown 兩次阿基里斯腱手術,26 歲提前退役了....

Dear Football,

I really don’t know where to start, although I always thought I’d have to write this one day, I just didn’t think this day would come so soon. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that after a long year of struggling from two Achilles tendon surgeries, I now have to retire from professional football.

As soon as I could walk, I always had a football at my feet. That was me, that was my happy place. I lived a dream that most don’t get the opportunity to live and for that I will always be eternally grateful.

To get to play the sport I love brought many happy times during my life. It also delivered many challenges that I wouldn’t have been able to get through without the love and support of my family and friends. The sacrifices my mum and grandad made for me from the age of 4 years old, gave me the chance to live a life I always inspired to live. Driving from Peterborough to West Brom 3/4 times a week after school, just to get me to training and matches, I’ll forever be grateful. I think my Mum only missed one match in my whole life. That just goes to show how much you can really achieve with the love and support from the people closest to you.

I will always remember the memories I have made. They will live with me forever. From being told I was going to be on the bench against Chelsea, to making my debut against Wigan at the age of 16 for West Brom. Then getting to make my debut for Chelsea, the club I dreamed of playing for when I was a little boy! And I’ll never forget getting promoted to the Premier League with Huddersfield at Wembley. That will forever be one of the happiest and greatest moments of my life.

Football doesn’t define me as a person. I’m a father, a son, a brother and a friend, and I will still be that after football. I’ve lived my dream and memories that will stay with me forever. To every club that I have played for, I really appreciate you all for believing in me and giving me a chance to play the game I love. Lastly, I just want to say thank you to all the fans that have supported me and sang my name, there is no greater feeling than hearing that. You mean the world to me, and always will.

I wish you all nothing but happiness and love!

Take care,



心痛的 Chelsea Youth 致意:






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