2023年4月16日 星期日

Mykhailo Mudryk:我們會繼續努力,現況會改變的


Mudryk: It’s tough but it can change

16 APR 2023

Mykhailo Mudryk gave an honest assessment of the Chelsea performance after yesterday’s defeat at home to Brighton. When it came to troubling the visitors from the south coast it was a case of too little too late decided the Ukrainian.


The 22-year-old started for the first time in five games and was one of the brighter performers in a disappointing display by the Blues. It was his run and reverse pass that led to Conor Gallagher giving us the lead but that could not be maintained and few would argue that Brighton did not deserve their 2-1 win.

這位 22 歲的球員在最近 5 場比賽中首次先發,藍軍的表現令人失望,但穆德里克是表現較好的球員之一。正是他的跑動和回傳讓蓋拉格幫助我們取得領先,但這並沒有保持下去,很少有人會說布萊頓不應該得到這場 2-1 的勝利。

‘I think the first half was not so good. When in the second half we started to play, it was already late,’ said Mudryk, before adding: ‘For all of us it is a hard period but we never give up, we keep going and everything can change.’

“我認為上半場不太好。當下半場我們開始進入比賽時,已經太遲了。” 穆德里克說, “對我們所有人來說,這是一段艱難的時期,但我們從不放棄,我們會繼續前進,一切都會改變。”

In fact he says that although it is not transferring to games yet, with the Blues now six matches without a win, he does see things in the work behind the scenes that suggest the squad are building towards better times to come.

穆德里克說,儘管球隊的改變沒有體現在比賽中,藍軍已經 6 場比賽未勝,但他確實看到了幕後的工作,這表明球隊正在朝著更好的方向前進。

‘We all feel it,’ he says. ‘We want to win but now it is hard for us but like I say, we keep training hard and one day everything can be changed.’

“我們都能感覺到,” 他說, “我們想贏,現在對我們來說很難,但就像我說的,我們繼續努力訓練,總有一天一切都會改變。”

Immediately ahead is one of those quick turnarounds and although the task in hand is huge with Real Madrid arriving 2-0 ahead for Tuesday’s Champions League second leg, it is a chance to quickly put recent losses behind us.

眼前有快速的轉變,雖然手頭的任務很艱鉅,皇馬在週二的歐冠次回合比賽前 2-0 領先,但這是一個迅速把最近的失利拋在身後的機會。

‘We are already thinking about the next game, the Champions League,’ Mudryk declares. ‘It is a big opportunity for us and we should all show our best.’

“我們已經在考慮下一場比賽了,就是歐冠,” 穆德里克說, “這對我們來說是一個很重要的機會,我們都應該表現出最好的自己。”



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