2023年1月2日 星期一

創 495 場出賽紀錄的 Cesar Azpilicueta:現實是我們已經丟了太多積分


Azpilicueta calls for an end to missed opportunities

02 JAN 2023

Chelsea captain Cesar Azpilicueta accepts the Blues need to face the reality of two points dropped in our draw at Nottingham Forest and our position in the Premier League table, but feels there is time left to turn things around this season if everyone pulls together.


The Spaniard played his 495th game for Chelsea at the City Ground, surpassing Petr Cech’s record as our highest overseas appearance maker, but was unable to mark the occasion with a second Premier League win in a row in our first match of 2023.

阿斯皮利奎塔在城市球場為卻爾西出戰了第 495 場比賽,超越了彼得.切赫的紀錄,成為我們出場次數最多的外籍球員,但他未能在 2023 年的第一場比賽中幫助藍軍取得英超聯賽兩連勝。

We took the lead through Raheem Sterling in a promising first half during which we dominated possession, before Nottingham Forest came out for the second half much improved, equalising through a penalty-area scramble following a corner to leave us having to settle for a 1-1 draw.

我們憑藉斯特林的進球取得領先,上半場佔據控球優勢,下半場諾丁漢森林的表現大有進步,在禁區角球爭奪中扳平比分,最終雙方不得不以 1-1 戰平。

Speaking after the match, Azpilicueta discussed his frustration at not turning our first-half performance into a victory and the manner in which we conceded the equaliser, having had the chance to clear our lines before the ball broke to scorer Serge Aurier.


‘We are disappointed, of course, that is not the way we wanted to start the new year,’ said the Blues skipper.

“我們很失望,當然,這不是我們想要開啟新年的方式,” 藍軍隊長說。

‘I think in the first half we had a bit more control of the game but maybe we were not that dangerous to score the second goal, which could have made it easier for us in the second half. Even though I think we had a couple of transitions in the second half since the beginning, they were putting more pressure on us and we were not able to escape, playing out or even playing long.


‘When a team is losing you expect a reaction and we were not able to find the space or attack the right space to calm down the reaction we expected from them. As well, they were playing at home, so when you are 1-0 up you expect that they will react and we were not able to manage that kind of situation.

“當一支球隊居劣勢時,可以預料他們會做出反應,而我們沒有找到合適的空間,或進攻到合適的空間來平息他們的反應。而且他們在主場比賽,當我們 1-0 領先時,可以預料到他們會做出反應,而我們沒能控制住這種情況。”

‘They created a few chances and then a set-piece lost us two points. It is disappointing to concede a goal after three touches in the box. That’s really clear and these are the areas where we cannot let teams score.’


Although the result at the City Ground does move us up one place in the Premier League table, it still leave us seven points behind the top four, meaning Azpilicueta is under no illusion about the size of the task ahead of us in the remainder of the season.


He also believes this Chelsea team are capable of completing that recovery if we can stop dropping points like we did against Forest, even if that starts with a difficult challenge when we host Manchester City at Stamford Bridge on Thursday evening.


‘Every point matters and of course today we lost two points,’ he added. ‘That’s clear and since the beginning of the season we have lost too many points and now we are really far from where we want to be. Every game we don’t win is a chance that we miss, but this is the reality.

“每一分都很重要,當然今天我們丟了兩分。” 他補充說, “這很明顯,自賽季開始以來,我們已經失去了太多積分,現在我們離想要的位置真的很遠。每一場我們沒有贏的比賽都是錯過的一次機會,但這就是現實。”

‘When you see the table that’s where we are and we need to have a very good second half of the season if we want to achieve Champions League qualification for next season. This is the reality that we face and we have to stick together.


‘We know that it’s not the most pleasant time but in these difficult moments we need everybody to stick together, to work hard to improve. To be humble, to see ourselves, to analyse ourselves and where we can do better.


‘We have a massive game against Manchester City at the Bridge but we need to start winning points.’




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