2023年1月19日 星期四

Carney Chukwuemeka:球迷都支持我們、主教練和隊友們都在幫助我


Chukwuemeka verdict on first start and how his football’s going

19 JAN 2023

He has been one of the bright sparks for Chelsea in recent weeks and it earned him his first start for the club at the weekend. What better time then to hear from Carney Chukwuemeka…

The 19-year-old, who signed in the summer from Aston Villa where he played in 14 Premier League games, two from the start, is fast catching up with those totals with his new team having been involved in six league matches for the Blues prior to his full debut.

In front of our camera at Cobham, he has now shared some thoughts on that 1-0 win over Crystal Palace.

‘I loved it, from the warm-up, from when I knew I was starting, I was buzzing already,’ Chukwuemeka smiled. ‘I couldn't wait to get on the pitch and it was a good first-start experience for me.

‘The fans helped us a lot,’ the midfielder added. ‘We've been going through a hard time recently and they really got behind us from minute one, so they were a big part of the win as well.’

Asked how he is currently enjoying his own football, it was another enthusiastic response.

‘I'm loving it at the minute. I feel so confident in myself. With help from the gaffer and the players, who as a young player are helping me, I'm just building my trust in my own game as well.

‘That's helped a lot. I'm loving it at the minute and long may it continue.’

With Liverpool at Anfield coming up at the weekend, it is sentiment all Blues fans will echo.

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