2023年1月6日 星期五

轉會傳聞:Jude Soonsup-Bell 想提前離隊

以下內容譯自 The Athletic:

Jude Soonsup-Bell to leave Chelsea this month

By Simon Johnson - Jan 6, 2023

Chelsea academy striker Jude Soonsup-Bell is going to leave the club this month.


The Athletic reported in November that the highly-rated forward, who turns 19 next week, was considering his future at Chelsea and this was likely going to be his last season at Stamford Bridge.

The Athletic 去年 11 月報導過,這名下週將滿 19 歲的高評價前鋒當時正考慮自己在卻爾西的前途,可能只待最後這個賽季。

Soonsup-Bell’s current deal expires in the summer, but talks over an extension stalled last January when he began to consider his future. The teenager has now decided to bring forward his departure.




舜索貝爾剛嶄露頭角時看起來頗有靈性,但升上發展隊後越來越平庸,身材偏瘦弱,速度不快,門前把握力一年不如一年,到後來在場上常常沒有存在感,相比之下年紀稍長但起步較晚的 Malik Mothersille 則是越來越猛。

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