2023年1月18日 星期三

Mykhailo Mudryk 轉會內幕:Behdad Eghbali 和 Paul Winstanley 親自出馬、Graham Potter 電話說服、附加條款和薪水有優勢

以下內容出自旗幟晚報 Evening Standard: 

How Chelsea ‘outflanked’ Arsenal to sign Mykhaylo Mudryk from under their noses

By Simon Collings & Nizaar Kinsella - 16 Jan 2023

On Saturday morning, it looked like Mykhaylo Mudryk was joining Arsenal. A little over 24 hours later, he was being unveiled at Stamford Bridge, after Chelsea pulled off an audacious transfer move to outflank the Gunners and sign the Ukraine winger for £88.5million.

Mudryk was confirmed as a Chelsea player in the 22nd minute of their win over Crystal Palace and introduced to the crowd at half-time.

Chelsea hijacked the Arsenal deal after coming through the backdoor and reaching a swift agreement with both the 22-year-old and Shakhtar Donetsk over the weekend.

Co-owner Behdad Eghbali and new head of recruitment Paul Winstanley were key to the Chelsea plan, flying to Turkey on a private jet early on Saturday for talks with Shakhtar president Rinat Akhmetov in Antalya.

As Eghbali and Winstanley worked on a deal worth an initial £62m, manager Graham Potter held positive talks with Mudryk in a phone call sanctioned by Shakhtar.

Mudryk had shown a clear desire to join Arsenal and had been regularly posting on social media to show he was watching their matches. But during those talks with Potter, he was assured he would go straight into the first-team as Chelsea outlined their vision for him.

Potter is a fan of the Ukraine winger and believes his pace and creativity could be just the spark his team need to ignite their struggling season.

By Saturday night, Eghbali and Winstanley were flying back to London, having sealed the deal.

Arsenal had been willing to pay what Chelsea paid up front, but crucially the Blues offered £26.5m in add-ons, which the Gunners were not willing to match.

Shakhtar president Akhmetov has confirmed £20m of the fee will go to Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russia, while Chelsea have agreed to play a friendly in “a Ukrainian Donetsk” after the war.

For Arsenal, missing out on Mudryk was a major setback in their attempts to strengthen their squad for their title challenge. But Mikel Arteta said they have to be “disciplined” in the transfer market, after Chelsea took their spending since last summer beyond £400m.

The add-ons in the Chelsea deal revolve around the Blues winning the Premier League, plus appearances both domestically and in the Champions League. He has signed an eight-and-a-half-year deal on wages worth around £150,000-a-week, higher than Arsenal were willing to offer.

His long contract allows Chelsea to spread the fee over that period in their financial accounts, meaning in accounting terms they are paying £10m per year to help them comply with Financial Fair Play regulations.

Mudryk watched on from the directors’ box on Sunday, as Chelsea beat Palace 1-0 to end their run of three straight defeats and ease some of the pressure on Potter.

Chelsea’s move for Mudryk might have been swift, but their interest is more long-standing. They first scouted him in 2019 and, more recently, new recruitment analyst Kyle Macauley has been tracking him.

Shakhtar were first made aware of concrete interest from Chelsea on December 30. The Blues then hosted Shakhtar sporting director Darijo Srna at Stamford Bridge on January 5 for talks during their game against Manchester City.

While Chelsea were speaking to Srna, Arsenal were often dealing with Shakhtar chief executive Sergei Palkin.

It was a perfect scenario for Shakhtar, who had two elite clubs fighting for their star asset, meaning they could stand firm as they held out for £88.5m.

Arsenal had been confident of signing Mudryk and had been told the player wanted to join them. But they had a set fee they were willing to pay and were not willing to be drawn into a bidding war.

They hoped Shakhtar would soften their stance, but interest from Chelsea changed the picture. In the end, Arsenal were simply blown out of the water.


The Athletic 記者 Adam Crafton 對礦工 CEO Sergei Palkin 的專訪重點:卻爾西的誠意獲勝,而且非常看好卻爾西的未來。



Sergei Palkin 透露:

.週六卻爾西花了 10 個小時說服礦工和穆德里克。

Sergei Palkin 還透露了在卻爾西介入之前,兵工廠和礦工就幾乎談崩了,他告訴埃度,礦工內部認為兵工廠的分期長度和附加條款並不夠好到讓他們放人。

另外捐給烏克蘭的 2200 萬英鎊並不是來自卻爾西的轉會費,礦工說那是由他們主席自行捐獻。

CBS 記者 Ben Jacobs:這是一個非常棒的專訪,Sergei Palkin 還說 "我相信卻爾西將成為世界上最棒的俱樂部之一,因為他們在各個方面都非常認真,他們看起來野心勃勃。"

Sergei Palkin: "很高興穆德里克去了英超,因為那是世界上最好的聯賽,而且英格蘭也大力支持烏克蘭,那是世界上最棒的國家之一,所以對我們來說很重要。對全世界和烏克蘭來說,這是一筆重要的轉會。"

穆德里克的週薪只有 97000 英鎊。卻爾西的主管們和波特都推動了交易。

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