2023年1月7日 星期六

Andrey Santos 加盟


Young Brazilian midfielder Santos joins Chelsea

07 JAN 2023

Chelsea have completed the signing of teenage midfielder Andrey Santos from Brazilian club Vasco da Gama.


The 18-year-old has progressed through the ranks at Vasco, his boyhood club, and helped them to promotion to the top flight with a third-place finish in Serie B last term, during which he played 33 times and scored eight goals.

這位 18 歲的球員在他兒時效力的瓦斯科俱樂部不斷進步,在上賽季幫助球隊在巴西乙級聯賽中排名第三,升入頂級聯賽,在此期間他出場 33 次,打進 8 球。

On signing for Chelsea, Santos said: ‘It’s a very big opportunity for me. This is a big club playing in big competitions like the Premier League so I am very excited. The players here are so good and I am very happy to be here.’

與卻爾西簽約後,桑托斯說: “這對我來說是一個非常好的機會。這是一家大俱樂部,參加許多頂級賽事,例如英超,所以我非常興奮。這裡的球員都很優秀,我很高興來到這裡。”

Santos made his debut at just 17, as a late substitute in the Campeonato Carioca, a tournament for teams in the local area of Rio de Janeiro. He played most of that campaign for the club’s Under-20 side and impressed in a box-to-box midfield role in which he regularly contributed with goals and assists.

桑托斯在年僅 17 歲的時候就完成了首秀,在里約熱內盧州聯賽中替補出場。他在俱樂部 U20 青年隊打了大部分比賽,以 B2B 中場的角色給人留下了深刻印象,經常貢獻進球和助攻。

His league debut came on the final day of the 2021 season before he became a more prominent figure in the 2022 campaign just finished, earning himself a regular spot in the midfield trio. 

他的聯賽首秀是在 2021 賽季的最後一天,之後他在剛剛結束的 2022 賽季中表現更出色,在三中場中獲得了一個固定位置。

Born in Rio, he has represented Brazil up to Under-20 level and now makes the move to London.

桑托斯出生於里約,曾代表巴西參加到 U20 等級的比賽,現在他來到了倫敦。

Welcome to Chelsea, Andrey!





轉會專家 Fabrizio Romano:固定轉會費 1250 萬歐元。

CBS 記者 Ben Jacobs:固定轉會費 1100 萬英鎊(1250 萬歐元),附加條款 700 萬英鎊(800 萬歐元)。

倫敦旗幟晚報記者 Nizaar Kinsella:固定轉會費 1300 萬英鎊,附加條款 700 萬英鎊,合約 5 年。

The Atheletic:總轉會費 2000 萬歐元(1760 萬英鎊)。

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