2023年1月5日 星期四

Benoit Badiashile 加盟


Chelsea sign Badiashile

05 JAN 2023

Benoit Badiashile has completed a permanent transfer to Chelsea from AS Monaco, signing a seven-and-a-half-year contract at Stamford Bridge.


The central defender has been a regular in Ligue 1 for the past five seasons and recently made his senior debut for France, having represented Les Bleus all the way up from Under-16 level.

這名中後衛在過去的五個賽季裡一直是球隊在法甲聯賽中的常規先發,最近還在法國國家隊完成了他的一線隊首秀,他代表藍衣軍團從 U16 等級一路升入了一線隊。

Despite the fact he only turns 22 in March, Badiashile already boasts significant experience in the French top flight and in Europe, where he has featured in the Champions League and Europa League for Monaco, amassing almost 150 appearances in all competitions to date.

儘管今年三月他才要滿 22 歲,但巴迪亞西勒已經在法國頂級聯賽和歐洲賽場上擁有豐富的經驗,他代表摩納哥參加過歐冠和歐聯,迄今為止在各項賽事中出場近 150 次。

At 6ft 4in, Badiashile is a dominant defender in the air but equally comfortable with the ball at his feet, capable of playing short passes out from the back or switching the play with longer diagonals. His blistering speed is a key attribute and he has experience in both a back four and back three at club level.

身高 6 呎 4 吋的巴迪亞西勒是一名具有空中優勢的後衛,但同樣能自如地駕馭腳下球,他能在後場送出短傳,也能用更長的對角線傳球來完成攻防轉換。他的速度是一個關鍵的特點,在俱樂部的四後衛和三後衛陣型中都經驗豐富。

He earned a regular place as Monaco’s left-sided centre-back while still a teenager and was handed his international debut by Didier Deschamps back in September aged just 21, a reward for his prominent role in back-to-back third-place finishes for the Principality side in Ligue 1.

他在十幾歲的時候就獲得了摩納哥左中衛的固定位置,並在去年九月被德尚安排完成了國家隊首秀,當時他年僅 21 歲,這是對他幫助摩納哥連續獲得第三名的獎勵。

Benoit Badiashile said: 'I’m very happy to be here at Chelsea. I’m so excited to start playing for this club. I can’t wait to see the fans and start playing in the best league in the world.'

巴迪亞西勒說: “我很高興來到卻爾西,能開始為這家俱樂部踢球讓我很興奮。我迫不及待地想看到球迷們,開始在世界上最好的聯賽中踢球。”

Chelsea Chairman Todd Boehly and co-controlling owner Behdad Eghbali said: 'We're delighted to welcome Benoit to Chelsea. He's an excellent young player who has quickly established a strong reputation for himself and has a huge amount of experience for his young age. We are sure he will form an important part of our team in the years ahead.'

卻爾西主席托德.伯利和共同控股所有人貝達德.埃格巴里說: “我們很高興歡迎班瓦來到卻爾西。他是一名優秀的年輕球員,很快就為自己建立了良好的聲譽,並在年紀很輕時就擁有豐富的經驗。我們相信,在未來的幾年裡,他將成為我們團隊的重要一員。”

Welcome to Chelsea, Benoit!



Benoit Badiashile - the biography

05 JAN 2023

Following the arrival of Benoit Badiashile from AS Monaco, we take a comprehensive look back at the 21-year-old defender's career to date...

來自摩納哥的巴迪亞西勒加盟了卻爾西,讓我們來全面回顧一下這位 21 歲後衛到目前為止的職業生涯...

Having grown up in the picturesque city of Limoges and signed for his hometown club aged eight, Badiashile spent much of his early career at lower-league side SC Malesherbes. It was from there that he joined Monaco as a 15-year-old with a growing reputation as a composed, left-footed centre-back at ease with the ball at his feet.

巴迪亞西勒在風景如畫的利摩日長大,8 歲時與家鄉的俱樂部簽約,職業生涯早期的大部分時間都在低級別聯賽俱樂部馬勒澤布度過,正是在那裡,他成為了一名沉著的左腳中衛,可以從容的控球在腳,因而聲名鵲起,15 歲的他之後加盟了摩納哥。

He made his initial breakthrough with the ‘B’ team in the Championnat National 2, the French fourth tier, and watched at close quarters as Monaco secured a stunning Ligue 1 title and reached the Champions League semi-finals in 2016/17.

他在摩納哥 B 隊所處的法國第四級聯賽中取得了最初的突破,也近距離目睹了摩納哥在 2016/17 賽季獲得法甲冠軍,並進入了歐冠半決賽。

Splitting his time between representing Monaco’s second team in the league and their Under-19s in the UEFA Youth League, Badiashile caught the eye at the end of 2017/18 and start of 2018/19, with his performances at those levels launching a rapid rise in the second of those campaigns.

巴迪亞西勒分別為摩納哥 B 隊 和 U19 隊參加聯賽和歐洲青年聯賽,他在 2017/18 賽季末和 2018/19 賽季初引起了人們的注意,他的表現迅速上升,從第二個賽季開始。

He was handed his debut by Thierry Henry up against Thiago Silva’s Paris Saint-Germain in November 2018 at the age of 17 and instantly became an important member of their team, starting all but six of Monaco’s remaining 31 matches in all competitions that season.

2018 年 11 月,17 歲的他在蒂埃里.亨利率隊對陣蒂亞戈.席爾瓦所在的巴黎聖日耳曼的比賽中獲得了首秀機會,立即成為了球隊的重要成員。在那個賽季摩納哥剩下的 31 場比賽中,只有 6 場沒有先發。

Nowhere was the speed with which he made the step up to first-team football more apparent than in Europe, where he started the group stage captaining the Under-19s in the Youth League before starting the senior side’s last two Champions League group games against Atletico Madrid and Borussia Dortmund.

沒有什麼地方比歐戰更能體現他進入一線隊的速度了。在歐洲青年聯賽的小組賽階段,他作為 U19 的隊長出場,然後在最後兩場歐冠小組賽對陣馬德里競技和多特蒙德的比賽中先發出場。

With Ligue 1 and Champions League debuts under his belt, the defender made a total of 25 appearances in his first season of senior football as Monaco fought an unlikely battle for top-flight survival, scoring his first goal with the equaliser in a 1-1 draw at home to Nice.

在獲得法甲和歐冠首秀後,這名後衛在他第一個成年隊賽季總共出場 25 次,摩納哥為聯賽保級完成了一場不太可能的戰鬥,巴迪亞西勒在主場 1-1 戰平尼斯的比賽中攻入了他的第一個進球。

After helping France reach the semi-finals of the European Under-19 Championship, Badiashile embarked on his first full campaign of senior football as part of an improving Monaco side in 2019/20. Although the season was curtailed early due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with the principality side in mid-table, he managed 20 appearances in all competitions.

幫助法國隊進入歐洲 U19 錦標賽四強戰後,巴迪亞西勒在 2019/20 賽季開啟了第一次完整的一線隊賽季,成為了不斷進步的摩納哥隊中的一員。儘管新冠疫情導致本賽季提前結束,但摩納哥排名中游,他也在各項賽事中出場 20 次。

He made a flying start to the 2020/21 season when French football resumed, though, scoring in both of Monaco’s opening two Ligue 1 fixtures, getting the equaliser as they came back from two goals down against Reims before firing in the only goal of a win at Metz.

他在 2020/21 賽季有了飛躍的開始,開季兩場法甲比賽都取得進球,先是對陣蘭斯在兩球落後的情況下為摩納哥扳平比分,然後在對陣梅斯的比賽中打入唯一一球。

He featured in all but three of Monaco’s league games as they rose up the table to finish in third place, just five points behind champions Lille, in addition to four more appearances in their Coupe de France run, including in the 2-0 defeat to Paris Saint-Germain in the final.

該賽季的聯賽巴迪亞西勒只有 3 場沒有出戰,摩納哥在積分榜上躍居第三,僅落後冠軍里爾 5 分。此外還有法國盃的 4 次出場,包括在決賽 0-2 輸給巴黎聖日耳曼的比賽。

Despite being just 20 years old, Badiashile had unquestionably become a key figure in the Monaco side by the start of last season, playing 34 games despite missing the best part of three months due to a hamstring injury and Covid. He scored his only goal of 2021/22 in a 2-2 draw with Lens on the final day as they secured a second consecutive top-three finish.

儘管年僅 20 歲,但巴迪亞西勒在上賽季開始時已經毫無疑問的成為了摩納哥陣中的關鍵人物,雖然由於腿筋受傷和新冠確診,他缺席了三個月的大部分時間,但還是出戰了 34 場比賽。巴迪亞西勒在最後一天 2-2 戰平朗斯的比賽中打進了他在 2021/22 賽季的唯一進球,幫助球隊連續兩年獲得前三。

He continued his impressive form into the current campaign, resulting in him being handed a senior international debut by France manager Didier Deschamps, playing the full 90 minutes of a 2-0 win over Austria in Paris in the UEFA Nations League before adding a second cap against Denmark three days later.

本賽季巴迪亞西勒繼續保持著令人印象深刻的狀態,因此法國國家隊主教練德尚給了他國家隊首秀的機會,在歐洲國家聯賽法國主場 2-0 戰勝奧地利的比賽中,他打滿 90 分鐘,並在三天後對陣丹麥的比賽中第二次出場。


Everything you need to know about Benoit Badiashile

05 JAN 2023

Here's the key info on Chelsea's newest signing Benoit Badiashile...

.What position does Benoit Badiashile play?

Badiashile is a central defender who has played in a back three and a back four at club level.

.What squad number does Benoit Badiashile wear?

His shirt number for Chelsea will be announced shortly. For Monaco he wore no.5.

.How many appearances did Benoit Badiashile make for Monaco?

Badiashile played a total of 135 times for his only senior club prior to Chelsea. Of those, 106 came in Ligue 1 and two in the Champions League.

.How many goals has Benoit Badiashile scored?

He scored six times for Monaco, all in the French top division.

.How old is Benoit Badiashile?

Badiashile was born on 26 March 2001 so he is 21 years old.

.How tall is Benoit Badiashile?

He is stands at 6ft 4in – 1.94m

.Where is Benoit Badiashile from?

Badiashile was born and brought up in the city of Limoges in central France.

.How many international caps does Benoit Badiashile have?

He has played twice for France, having made his debut in September 2022.



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CBS 記者 Ben Jacobs:轉會費 3300 萬英鎊。

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