2023年1月1日 星期日

Kalidou Koulibaly:我的表現不如預期,想要重新開始、冠軍獎盃是我加盟的第一目標


Koulibaly on a fresh start, Potter’s ideas, and targets for 2023

01 JAN 2023

Kalidou Koulibaly admits he has not come close to showing his best form in a Chelsea shirt and the big defender is determined to so during the second half of the season.


The Senegalese signed from Napoli during the summer and, like the team as a whole, has struggled for consistency during his first few months in English football.


There have been signs of Koulibaly’s defensive fortitude, however, and perhaps playing in a more settled backline and shape will help his progress. He and Thiago Silva were excellent in shutting out Bournemouth on Tuesday, and the defender acknowledged the period when domestic football paused for the World Cup was a significant one for him.


‘I was looking forward to returning after the loss with Senegal,’ he stated. ‘I took some moments to think about everything, to think about football, to think about Chelsea, my new club, and to come with more motivation because I know from the beginning I wanted to have an impact with this team. This impact didn’t come like I wanted.

“我很期待在經歷塞內加爾被淘汰後的回歸聯賽。” 他說, “我花了一些時間思考一切,思考足球,思考卻爾西,我的新俱樂部,帶著更多的動力來到這裡,因為我知道從一開始我就想對這支球隊產生影響,現在這種情況並不是我想要的。”

‘I want to make a new start, to start a new season for me. This game against Bournemouth was really important for me. I wanted to show everybody that I am back, that I am really motivated and I will give everything for this team.’


Koulibaly expanded on the collective work Graham Potter was able to implement when he had the majority of his squad back after the World Cup.


‘This break makes a good fresh head to everybody,’ he explained. ‘We went and spent time with our national team and some of us went to vacation, so I think it was a good time for everybody.

“這次休息讓每個人都清醒了頭腦。” 他解釋, “我們和國家隊一起度過了一段時間,我們中的一些人去渡假了,我認為這對每個人來說都是一段美好的時光。”

‘Then we came back with a lot of motivation, we trained hard during those two or three weeks. We had a lot of ideas from the coach.


‘We know we have a lot of work to do to come back on the top of the league. It will be difficult because everybody wants to be there. We are really motivated and we want to show everybody that the beginning of the season was just a small mistake. We have to show our level to put Chelsea where it deserves to be.’


As well as aiming to make a sustained positive impact in the Blues’ defence in 2023, Koulibaly has other targets for the new year, on an individual and collective level. One stands above the others.

除了在 2023 年為藍軍後防帶來持續的積極影響外,庫里巴利在新的一年還有其他目標,無論是個人還是集體層面。其中有一個是最優先目標。

‘I want to play the most games I can,’ he stressed. ‘I want to play every game. We have a lot of games in England so it’s difficult to play every game, but the more I play the more I can be better.

“我想盡可能多的踢比賽。” 他強調, “我想踢每一場比賽,在英格蘭,我們有很多比賽,所以每場比賽都踢是很難的,但我踢得越多,我就能踢得越好。”

‘As a team I hope that we get some titles. It’s my objective when I signed for Chelsea. When I came here my first objective was to win titles over here. I hope we will reach something this year.


‘For me if we win something it will be a great year for me. I will do everything and give everything on the pitch to win a title.’


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