2023年5月6日 星期六

Sam Kerr:在英王加冕典禮擔任旗手是莫大的榮耀


Kerr proud to represent her country at Coronation

06 MAY 2023

Chelsea Women and Australia striker Sam Kerr will today lead her nation’s delegation at the Coronation of King Charles III.

In a huge honour for Kerr, she has been chosen by Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese as the country’s flag bearer for the first-time-in-a-generation ceremony to confirm King Charles III as British monarch, handing her a significant role among the 2,000 guests from around the world expected to attend.

Upon his arrival at Westminster Abbey from Buckingham Palace, King Charles III will be preceded inside by processions representing several different religious faiths and a number of different Commonwealth nations, including Kerr’s native Australia.

The Blues striker will enter Westminster Abbey ahead of the King, carrying the Australian flag at the head of their contingent in the procession, as the Coronation of King Charles III begins at around 11am today (Saturday).

‘It will be massive and obviously it’s an amazing honour,’ said Kerr. ‘We’ve had so many big games recently that it’s kind of been in the back of my mind and I hadn’t had a chance to really think about it until it was coming up, so I’m a bit nervous.

‘I found out I’d been offered the role from a phone call but I wasn’t sure if I could do it because we have a game on Sunday, but Emma’s been kind enough to let me miss a practice for it, which is very nice of her.’

In an event attended by royalty and world leaders from around the globe, Kerr will play a prominent role in the Australian contingent inside the iconic Westminster Abbey, joined by the country’s prime minister Albanese, governor-general David Hurley and the Earl of Loudoun.

The rare occasion will see King Charles III succeed Queen Elizabeth II as the British monarch in the first such Coronation ceremony the UK has seen since 1953.

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