2023年5月3日 星期三

Frank Lampard:上半場讓對手太好過了、基本功沒做好什麼戰術都沒用、Noni Madueke 用表現證明自己


Lampard: We were too nice

02 MAY 2023

Frank Lampard surveyed defeat in the London derby on Tuesday night and spoke about the need for good habits to be laid down on the training pitch to stand a chance in contests like this. He also highlighted a young player who has set a good example.


The Gunners did the damage at the Emirates with three first-half goals, the second and the third coming within three minutes of each other to give the Blues a mountain to climb.

槍手在上半場的三個進球決定了比賽,第二個和第三個進球間隔不到 3 分鐘,這給藍軍帶來了巨大的困難。

Noni Madueke, from a clever Mateo Kovacic pass, made a start on that ascent when he netted his first goal for the club on 65 minutes but despite more attacking play by Chelsea in the second half, no further successful strikes were forthcoming.

馬杜埃克接到科瓦契奇的精彩傳球,在第 65 分鐘為卻爾西打進了他的第一個進球,儘管藍軍在下半場有了更多的進攻,但沒有取得更多的進球。

Lampard did not pull his punches when analysing that damaging display before the break.


‘The first-half performance was not good enough, in every way,’ said the caretaker manager. ‘We were too nice to play against, nice off the ball, passive, things we talked about before the game defensively we did not do. We did not restrict the space between lines, we did not get the line up as much as we needed to, we did not affect pressure on the ball, we did not make contact with Arsenal players.

“上半場我們的表現在各個方面都不夠好,” 蘭帕德說, “我們踢得太溫和了,無球的時候表現得不夠積極,很被動,賽前談到的防守我們沒有做到。我們沒有限制縱深間的空間,沒有像我們需要的那樣封鎖空間,沒有對球施加壓力,沒有和阿森納球員對抗。”

‘On the ball the same, passing short, playing to position, not playing longer, not making forward runs. Things that we spoke about and if you play like that, you get what you deserve.’


Lampard acknowledged that the second half showed an improvement, but highlighted there needs to be more of the right approach every single day in training.


‘Maybe there were some things I said at half-time, which to be fair I had said before the game. Tactical no, playing a back-four or a back-five, these things do not matter if you don’t get the basics right. So we got the basics a bit better and we had more of a dynamic nature about us, and we created a couple of decent chances and scored a goal from it.


‘They are small gains but that can’t be from 45 minutes until the end when you come to a place like this.

“這些都是小小的收穫,但當我們來到這樣一個客場,不可能從 45 分鐘到最後都是這樣的表現。”

‘If you haven’t been conditioning and doing that on Wednesday and Thursday, you won’t do it on a Saturday or whatever matchday you want to talk about. When those things don’t become you as a group, it doesn't change overnight and we are seeing that at the moment.


‘I want to be clear – I am not questioning the players as lads but from being good lads to transferring it on the pitch, you have to be aggressive and as a collective group we are not that.


‘There can be a lot of reasons and some are very valid - players coming into the Premier League into a team that is having a difficult moment, it is not easy, this is the hardest league in the world.

“這可能有很多原因,其中一些是非常合理的 - 新球員來到英超,來到一支正處於困難時刻的球隊,這並不容易,這是世界上最困難的聯賽。”

‘But there are some things that are the basics, they have to be better. Some of it is the team being low in confidence but it is also under-performing in basics so now there are five games to compete with each other, to show that you deserve to be in the team, like Noni [Madueke] did tonight, with his performance after two weeks of good training.’

“但有些東西是基本的,他們必須做得更好。部分原因是球隊缺乏信心,但在基礎方面也表現不佳,所以現在還有 5 場比賽要踢,球員們需要證明自己配得上進入球隊,就像馬杜埃克今晚所做的那樣,經過兩週的良好訓練後,他拿出了應有的表現。”


以下內容出自 football.london:

Every word Frank Lampard said on Chelsea failures, aggression, Noni Madueke and the next coach

By Scott Trotter, Chelsea writer - 23:31, 2 MAY 2023

.Enough individual pride to do the basics?

I want to be quite clear about this: it's not the case. I know the casual answer to the first half can be the players didn't have pride or didn't care enough; the players certainly do. I'm not questioning the players as lads. From being good lads to transferring it onto the pitch.

You don't need to be aggressive through the week to be an aggressive player when you go on the pitch. That has to be something that you do. As a collective group where not at, there can be a lot of reasons, maybe some excuses but there can be reasons and some are very valid by the way. Players coming into the Premier League into a team having a difficult moment. It's not easy, it's the hardest league in the world.

There are plenty of players I can go 'Okay, they need time or they need to come out of the team or they need to develop a bit, they need to understand'. Coming into a team which has this season has been lacking results from the start of the season. Those things are not easy. There are some things you go 'fine, we need to get better at that', but there are some things that you go 'lads, they are the basics and they have to be better'.

I spoke a lot about confidence after Brentford, stand by that. The team is low on confidence but it's also underperforming in the basics. Now it's the question of five games to compete with each other, like Noni did tonight in his performance from two weeks of good training, to show you deserve to be in the team.

Those should be the rules anyway: now or never. People say there's nothing on these games but they're wrong. Every individual has a lot on these games.

.Does the second half performance frustrate you?

Absolutely, that comes with management. That's not just me. As a manager, going to manage for a long time, I played for many a game, I played in fantastic teams and we had halves like that. You have to react. When you have halves like that at a moment and come to a team like Arsenal, you get what you deserve. The answer is a little bit too late, too retrospective, it has to be from minute one.

To be fair the feeling before the game was good, the energy in the room was good but at the moment I know it's much harder to take good energy. The lads are good lads, not bad intentioned, to take it onto the pitch is the important thing. Tonight is another lesson of what it has to be when we go to Bournemouth, who are playing really well, going to Forest fighting their lives and last three games of three of the top four, we have to bring that.

.How difficult has it been for you to motivate the players?

I motivate them and I do my job. I understand that the role of an interim as such, especially when there is no clear goal in position, makes it difficult. In my short time here, and the more I'm here in the short period I'm becoming more practical about it. The players that do show that they train well, they have their motivation. It's not always the shouters, it can be the quiet ones that have the motivation, will be the ones that continue to try and get improvement in this five games until the end of the season.

As the club moves forward that will have to be the case all of the time. That's what top clubs have, somewhere this season we've lost that kind of feeling. There can be loads of factors to it, I don't care about the factors in my position. I've only got five games and four weeks until the end of the season. All I care about now is seeing a better first half than I saw, and even the second half was good but it's still not what we can do.

.Would help you if there was clarity in who the next coach Is going to be?

No, it makes no odds to me.

.That situation completely separate?


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