2023年5月14日 星期日

Raheem Sterling:我進兩球卻沒贏球很失望、賽季結束前要爭取好成績


Sterling disappointed to draw but determined to end on a high

14 MAY 2023

Our goalscorer Raheem Sterling shared his frustration that we couldn’t convert our lead over Nottingham Forest into a victory, but he still has his sights set on giving the Chelsea supporters a positive end to the season.


The Blues winger got himself back on the scoresheet when we hosted Nottingham Forest in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge, netting his first goals for the club since a 1-1 draw with the same opposition on New Year’s Day.

藍軍邊鋒斯特林在斯坦福橋主場迎戰諾丁漢森林的比賽中重新取得了進球,這是他自元旦藍軍 1-1 戰平同個對手以來的首個進球。

Sterling’s two goals gave us a 2-1 lead, after we had gone behind in the first half, but we conceded an equaliser not long after going ahead and had to settle for a 2-2 draw by the final whistle. That left our No.17 equally frustrated with the way we went behind and failed to hold on to our lead for the win once we had fought back.

斯特林的兩個進球幫助我們在上半場落後的情況下取得了 2-1 的領先,但在領先後不久就被扳平了比分,雙方在終場哨響後 2-2 戰平。斯特林對我們落後的方式感到沮喪,在發起反擊之後,我們沒能保持住領先優勢,最終無法贏得勝利。

‘We made it hard for ourselves conceding early, like we have in a few games recently,’ said Sterling. ‘It’s a bit difficult when you go 1-0 down but we tried to keep positive and tried to build and we got the equalising goal, then got the one to go in front.

“我們早早失球讓比賽變得很困難,就像最近幾場比賽的情況一樣。” 斯特林說, “當我們 0-1 落後的時候,情況有點困難,但我們試著保持積極的態度,試著建立攻勢,我們取得了扳平比分的進球,然後取得了領先的進球。”

‘But then, again, we conceded a sloppy goal. It’s disappointing to go 2-1 up and not get the win. We wanted to take the three points and build from the previous week’s result, so we’re disappointed not to do that. These are games we have to see out and get the three points, it’s something we need to learn from.

“但我們再次輕易丟球了,2-1 領先卻沒能贏球,真是令人失望。我們想要拿到三分,在上週的基礎上更進一步,所以我們很失望沒能做到這點。這些比賽我們必須抓住,拿到三分,這是我們需要學習的地方。”

‘We didn’t stop trying when we went a goal behind. It’s difficult with the results we’ve had in previous weeks but it shows the professionalism that we have in the team that we’re still trying to push and still trying to end the season on a high.


‘So it’s one that in the end we’re disappointed not to win, but also it was important to make sure we didn’t get a loss.’


On his own individual performance, Sterling was happy to find the net with his two goals and explained he is feeling more comfortable in recent weeks operating in his most familiar role on the left wing.


‘It’s been up and down with the results and I’ve just been focusing on keeping working and trying the help the team.


‘It’s been nice, operating in a position that I’m used to, being out wide and trying to get at people and just getting some consistency in that position.’


We are now left with three games remaining until the end of the 2022/23 season with our usual targets of a top-four finish and silverware beyond our reach, but Sterling insists Chelsea still have goals to achieve in the current campaign, prime among them being to send the supporters away for the summer on a positive, ahead of starting afresh for 2023/24.

我們現在離 2022/23 賽季結束還有三場比賽,我們通常的目標是進入前四和贏得獎盃。斯特林堅持認為卻爾西在當前的賽季中仍有目標要實現,其中最重要的是在2023/24 賽季重新開始之前,讓球迷們積極的結束這個賽季。

‘We want to end the season on a positive note from getting good results. It’s one where we just need to be professional, keep trying to build, keep positive to the end of the season, just go out there and try to build the momentum to the end of the season because before we go into a new season we want to end this one on a high.


‘It’s something the manager’s drilling into us. We can’t be sloppy, we have to try to build on performances. It’s been a tough season but we have to try for the football club and the fans to at least end on a high note.’


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