2023年5月3日 星期三

Petr Cech 進入英超名人堂


Petr Cech inducted into Premier League Hall of Fame

03 MAY 2023

Legendary goalkeeper Petr Cech is the third former Chelsea player granted the honour...


The most successful goalkeeper in Chelsea and the Premier League’s history, Cech’s 202 clean sheets in the competition – 163 of them for the Blues – remains a record by a comfortable margin.

身為卻爾西和英超歷史上最成功的門將,切赫在比賽中 202 次零封對手,其中 163 次是效力藍軍期間,這一記錄依然遙遙領先。

The Czech, who played for Chelsea between 2004 and 2015, received the Golden Glove award for the top-flight’s most clean sheets in a record four separate seasons. The 24 shut-outs he accumulated in his first very Premier League campaign is also still unmatched.

這名捷克門將在 2004 年至 2015 年期間效力於卻爾西,他獲得過金手套獎,在四個賽季中創下了最多頂級聯賽不失球紀錄。他在第一個英超賽季中完成了 24 次零封,目前仍無人可及。

On receiving the award, voted for by fans and the Premier League Awards Panel, Cech said: ‘When I was a child growing up in communist Czechoslovakia, playing in the Premier League was an unimaginable dream. When I look back to where I started, diving on rock solid pitches with stones like golf balls, it has been an amazing journey.

接受由球迷和英超評委會投票選出的獎項時,切赫說: “當我還是一個在共產捷克斯洛伐克長大的孩子時,在英超踢球是一個難以企及的夢想。當我回首夢想開始之處,是在充滿像高爾夫球一樣大的石頭的堅硬場地上嘗試撲救,這是一段奇妙的旅程。”

‘I hope to be known as someone who showed effort, commitment, and consistency. Making a great save feels the same as scoring a goal and I’m proud of my clean sheet record, but I was even more happy when those clean sheets won matches and points for the team and contributed to titles!


‘It's an honour for me to be voted into the Hall of Fame in the best league in the world. That's really a special recognition and leaves a legacy. I’m proud that fans voted for me and appreciated the way I performed over the years.’


Cech speaks of collective success there, and during his trophy-laden 11 years at Stamford Bridge he won the Premier League four times.

切赫談到了在斯坦福橋的成功,在滿是獎盃的 11 年裡,他贏得了 4 座英超冠軍。

From the moment he was chosen ahead of Carlo Cudicini to make his debut on the opening day of that epic 04/05 campaign, in a 1-0 win over Manchester United, Cech’s quality was apparent. He commanded his box with authority, showcased his lightening reactions on regular occasions, and perhaps most impressively maintained phenomenally high levels of consistency. A Cech error was a true collector’s item.

從史詩般的 2004/05 賽季首戰 1-0 戰勝曼聯的比賽開始,切赫取代了庫迪奇尼成為先發,完成了處子秀。從那一刻起,他的實力就顯而易見了。他統治了禁區,在許多場合展示了他閃電般的反應,也許最令人印象深刻的是他保持了驚人的一致性,極少出現失誤。

He had to overcome a fractured skull following a collision with Reading’s Stephen Hunt early in the 2006/07 season. By working tirelessly out on the training pitch, Cech returned after three months and a man for the big occasions played a starring role in many more memorable matches in league and cup. He departed the club in June 2015 having made 494 appearances for the Blues and won 13 major honours, by far the best record by any goalkeeper to have played for Chelsea.

2006/07 賽季初,切赫與雷丁的斯蒂芬.亨特相撞導致頭骨骨折。通過在訓練場上的不懈努力,切赫在 3 個月後復出,在許多令人難忘的聯賽和盃賽中發揮了重要作用。他於 2015 年 6 月離開俱樂部,共為藍軍出場 494 次,贏得 13 項主要榮譽,是迄今為止為在卻爾西效力的所有門將中最出色的。

Cech joins his friends and long-time team-mates Frank Lampard and Didier Drogba in the Premier League Hall of Fame. It was created in 2021 as a way to recognise the achievements of the greatest names to have graced the English top flight since it became the Premier League in 1992, with the league considering it the highest honour they can bestow.

切赫加入了他的朋友和長期隊友蘭帕德和德羅巴的行列,進入了英超名人堂。該獎項創立於 2021 年,旨在表彰自 1992 年英超聯賽成立以來,在英格蘭頂級聯賽中取得輝煌成就的最偉大的球員,聯賽認為這是他們可以授予的最高榮譽。

There is no worthier entrant than Cech. Congratulations, Petr!



2023 Inductees:






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