2023年5月29日 星期一

Frank Lampard:感謝球迷的支持、Thiago Silva 不可思議、下一任主教練有需要可隨時找我談、更衣室太安靜反映缺乏信心


Lampard bids a fond farewell to 'amazing' fans

28 MAY 2023

After the last game of his second spell in the Chelsea dug-out came to a close in our final game of the 2022/23 season, Frank Lampard thanked the Blues fans for the support they have given him during a difficult spell for the club.

2022/23 賽季的最後一場比賽中,蘭帕德結束了在卻爾西的第二次執教,他感謝了藍軍球迷在俱樂部艱難時期給予他的支持。

Our caretaker manager oversaw a 1-1 draw on the last day of the season, having stepped in to take charge of the team until the end of 2022/23 in April.

我們的臨時主帥在本賽季最後一天迎來了一場 1-1 的平局,他在 4 月份接管球隊直到 2022/23 賽季結束。

It could have been more, with Raheem Sterling seeing one effort cleared off the line and another deflected around the post by a defender's arm, after his earlier shot had gone in off Kieran Trippier to cancel out Anthony Gordon's early opener for Newcastle.


However, it was the opportunity to thank the fans for their support at the final whistle which stands out for our caretaker manager as the curtain comes down on our campaign.


'It was nice to say goodbye and have a moment at the end with the supporters. They were amazing,' said Lampard. 'I think Chelsea fans, and particularly the match-going fans, saw the situation that I came into. It hasn’t been easy to turn things around in a short time, that’s the reality, but I’ve given everything in this period and I’m really connected to this club for life.

“賽季結束時和球迷們告別的感覺很好。他們太棒了,” 蘭帕德說, “我認為卻爾西球迷,尤其是那些到場觀看的球迷都看到了我的處境。在短時間內扭轉局面並不容易,這是現實,但我在這段時間裡付出了一切,我永遠和這家俱樂部緊緊聯繫在一起。”

'It changed my life when I was 22 years of age and that will never change in my head no matter what. I really appreciate the way they were through the game and at the end of the game. I’m always a Chelsea person in my heart, although my work will obviously go in different directions now.

“卻爾西在我 22 歲的時候改變了我的人生,無論如何,這在我心裡永遠不會改變。我真的很欣賞球迷們在比賽中以及比賽結束時的表現,在我心中,我一直是卻爾西人,儘管我現在的工作會朝著不同的方向發展。”

'I really appreciate the Chelsea fans and the support they’ve given me. I’m not one to get too nostalgic and I know that I have a really good bond with this club anyway, but seeing that support from the fans at the end to give me, and the lads, that send off was really special and I thank them for that.


'I’ll be back again watching a game soon, I’m sure, and I’ll always be a fan of this football club.'


He was also pleased to have handed Thiago Silva his Player of the Season award before kick-off...


'He ranks right near the top for me. I think it’s hard to compare anyone to John Terry because of John’s longevity after coming through the club, he was captain for all those successful years and was an amazing player.


'Thiago is another version of an amazing player who has come here at the back end of his career, has brought in to the club, fallen in love with the club I think, had the success of winning the Champions League. He’s just an incredible centre-back.


'When I brought him to the club I thought I knew he was a top player. I didn’t realise just how good he is.'


Looking at his final game in the dug-out, our caretaker manager felt a little unlucky not to have ended with a win...


'I think we deserved to win. We played how I think a Chelsea side should play today.


'We were a lot more confident on the ball, we created a lot of chances and we were a threat. To be fair to Newcastle, we conceded a few chances for them as well.


'With a game that had ‘nothing’ to play for, as such, I thought both teams played with a lot of freedom and that created a good, open game but I think we should have won the game.'

“對一場 '沒什麼可期待的' 的比賽來說,我認為兩支球隊都踢得很自由,創造了一場精彩而開放的比賽,但我認為我們應該贏得比賽。”


以下內容出自 football.london:

Every word Frank Lampard said on Pochettino, disillusioned Chelsea players and being honest

By Scott Trotter, Chelsea writer - 20:28, 28 MAY 2023

.What is your overriding emotion now it's over?

I don't know really. There have been challenges. It's been enjoyable to be back working at this club because of the feeling I have for it. I don't like losing games, we lost too many games. When I look back at the situation I came into, I think this season the situation was sewn before that. I came in at the back end of the season where some challenges had probably grown. You live and learn in everything and I'm fortunate I can be at this club working for it, so I really appreciate that. I'm pretty level-headed about it.

.If you were leaving a note for the next guy, what would the message be?

When you're Chelsea and you had a season like we've had, there are obviously things that need to improve. I'm not sure that note should be a public one, if anyone wants me to leave a note or speak to me, they can pick up the phone anytime they want. It's clear there are things that I would see that need to improve but the new manager will see them with his own eyes and he will have a pre-season to work with the team. They need that. We're not physically competitive enough. Newcastle are. We haven't been. That's a strong opinion that I have. 

Also, we will have the capability as a club and for the new manager to get the squad in the place he wants it to be. That's going to be some work as well. The squad has been to deep and that's the biggest challenge I've found day to day. Coming in and trying to work with big numbers and players that are maybe a little bit, for whatever reason, disillusioned, for right or wrong, that they're not playing or they might be leaving. Those situations can be sorted out now and they have to be.

.What does the future hold for you personally?

I will have a break now which I'm looking forward to. I don't know. It's not affected my drive to do this job or anything like that. I enjoy the job. I understand it can look fruitless from the outside if you're not getting the results, every manager will go through a variation of that in some way. I enjoy doing it. I will have a break first then see.

.Management the drive?


.Crowd were very good?

They were amazing and also for Azpi. We don't know what is happening to Azpi yet but the respect for him and what he's for this club was very evident today. From my point of view, I think Chelsea fans, particularly the match-going fans see the situation I came into. It hasn't been easy to turn it in a short time, that's the reality but I've given everything in this period. I'm really connected to this club for life, it changed my life when I was 22 years of age and that will never change in my head no matter what. I really appreciate how they were through the game, and at the end of the game and I'm always a Chelsea person at heart though my work will go in different directions.

.What was it like in the dressing room because it felt like a few players were at least mindful they were saying goodbye?

I think some have been mindful of that for a while and it's been part of the problem. It's hard to compete in this league or at this level if some players are in that middle ground and too many are. That's been a thing. Maybe getting to the end of it is a good thing. Whoever is emotional or has their eye on somewhere else or whether the club want them to leave or they want to leave. Now we get to the bottom of it quickly. 

At the end the dressing room was pretty quiet. It's been a quiet dressing room since I got here. Some of that reflects a lack of confidence in the group but some of those things should have been addressed by the collective as a group anyway. Confidence only follows hard work, otherwise this game won't allow you to have confidence. There were a lot of those things so I think probably the players are sort of happy to have a break. They have to take responsibility for this season as a collective but also individually. They can have that break and it's up to all of them to show the pride and dedication it takes to be a Chelsea player to take the club forward.

.As a Chelsea person at heart, are you encouraged that it appears to Mauricio Pochettino next?

I don't want to get caught on the appointment until the appointment comes. I know you're going to tell me you all know when it's coming. I'm a big fan of Pochettino as a manager, he's a very good manager but it's not about which individual it might be, it's about getting the right, high-level of manager. Pochettino's history tells you he works with clubs at this sort of level. Then let them get to work with the players to try and create a solid idenity in a team that can win more games. Those things are not always overnight things. We have to be careful with expectations a little bit. There is a lot of work to be done, that's my synopsis after six weeks, the basics I keep talking about. 

Standards sounds a really simple word but it's so relevant to this club at the minute. Standards collectively have dropped, I can be honest about that, particularly as it's the last game, I might not see some of them that much anymore anyway. The standards for a club like Chelsea have to be at a maximum or you won't be physically competitive enough. Or you won't get to play at a high level or a high speed like the Premier League demands. If you're not together in the dressing room, and you're not vocal in the dressing room driving each other and competitive because I want your place and you want mine and all of those things - any top team has to have that. At the minute, when I came in, very quickly I could see that wasn't there enough. I think that's something needed and of course a very good manager will help that. But everyone in that needs to take responsibility, players and club alike.

.Can it be turned around in a year?

I don't know that. It's hard to say. This league is tough and it's get more challenging every year, everyone is trying to move forward. I wouldn't want to put a time-limit on it.




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