2023年5月30日 星期二

2022-23 賽季 Chelsea 球員評選最佳球員:Thiago Silva


Thiago Silva receives Players’ Player of the Season award

30 MAY 2023

The Blues squad have agreed with supporters and chosen Thiago Silva as their Chelsea Players’ Player of the Season for 2022/23.

藍軍球員與球迷意見一致,將蒂亞戈.席爾瓦選為 2022/23 賽季球員評選的卻爾西最佳球員。

Our veteran defender was already the overwhelming choice for Chelsea Player of the Season, having received 60 per cent of the fans’ votes prior to being handed that award by departing caretaker manager Frank Lampard pitchside before Sunday’s final game of the season against Newcastle United.

這名後衛老將憑藉壓倒性的票數當選卻爾西本賽季最佳球員,週日對陣紐卡索的最後一場比賽前,他受 60% 的球迷青睞,被即將離任的臨時主教練蘭帕德授予這個獎項。

Now the decision is unanimous, with Thiago Silva’s Blues team-mates also picking him as their Chelsea Players’ Player of the Season, with that trophy being presented to him at Cobham by club captain Cesar Azpilicueta, alongside some special guests.


Four supporters were invited along to our training ground for the award presentation, with Karen Trafford, who is soon retiring from teaching at a nearby school, Ciaran Mullins and Finn Stapells from the Chelsea Foundation disability programme and refugee programme participant Mohammed El-Bhareien all in attendance.

四位球迷被邀請到我們的訓練場參加頒獎典禮,Karen Trafford,一名即將從附近學校退休的老師、參與卻爾西基金會殘疾項目的 Ciaran Mullins 和 Finn Stapells,以及難民項目的參與者 Mohammed El-Bhareien 都出席了儀式。

All were in agreement that the 38-year-old was a worthy winner, after making his 35th appearance of the season on Sunday, with only one outfield player starting more games for the Blues than his 33 in all competitions. He ends the campaign with more touches on the ball (2,330), interceptions (34), clearances (109), blocks (29) and duels won (117) in the Premier League than any other Chelsea player.

所有人都一致認為這位 38 歲的球員是當之無愧的選擇,週日他完成本賽季第 35 次出場後,只有一名非門將的藍軍球員先發次數超過他的 33 場。本賽季結束時,他在英超的觸球次數 (2330 次)、攔截次數 (34 次)、解圍次數 (109 次)、封堵次數 (29 次) 和對抗獲勝次數 (117 次) 比任何卻爾西球員都要多。

Congratulations on both of your 2022/23 Chelsea awards Thiago!

蒂亞戈,祝賀你獲得 2022/23 賽季卻爾西的雙獎項!

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