2023年2月11日 星期六

Thiago Silva 續約至 2024 年


Thiago Silva extends Chelsea stay

10 FEB 2023

Thiago Silva has signed a new contract to continue at Chelsea for a further year.


The Brazilian defender, who captained his country to the quarter-finals of the World Cup in December, has put pen to paper on a new one-year deal which will see him extend his Blues career until the summer of 2024.

去年 12 月這位巴西後衛率領他的國家打進世界盃八強,現在他已經與卻爾西簽下了一份為期一年的新合同,將在藍軍的職業生涯延長到 2024 年夏天。

‘I am honestly so happy to continue my career with the Blues,’ Thiago said shortly after signing. ‘When I signed my first contract here, it was to just do one year. Now it is already the fourth! I could not have imagined that, but really it is a very special moment for me to sign and stay at Chelsea.’

“我真的很高興能在藍軍繼續自己的職業生涯。” 蒂亞戈在簽約後不久說。 “當我在這裡簽下第一份合同時,我只簽了一年,現在已經是第四年了!我真是無法想像,但對我來說,簽約並留在卻爾西真的是非常特殊的經歷。”

Chelsea chairman Todd Boehly and co-controlling owner Behdad Eghbali said: 'We're delighted that Thiago has decided to continue with Chelsea. He’s a world-class talent, as he’s proven over many years for club and country, and his experience, quality and leadership skills are vital to our vision going forward. We’re thrilled he has extended his contract with us and we look forward to more success with him ahead!’

卻爾西主席伯利和共同控股所有者埃格巴利說: “我們很高興蒂亞戈決定繼續留在卻爾西。他是一名世界級的天才球員,多年來他在俱樂部和國家隊都證明了這點,他的經驗、實力和領導能力對我們的未來至關重要。我們很高興他能與我們續約,我們期待與他一起取得更大的成功!”

The 38-year-old centre-back has flourished at Stamford Bridge since joining from PSG in the summer of 2020, and his time here has included adding more silverware to an already glittering career.

自 2020 年夏天這位 38 歲的中後衛從巴黎聖日耳曼加盟斯坦福橋以來一直表現出色,他在卻爾西效力已經為自己輝煌的職業生涯增添了更多的獎盃。

He lifted the Champions League trophy for the first time when we defeated Manchester City in Porto in 2021, before ensuring the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup were added to his CV following wins over Villarreal in Belfast and Palmeiras in Abu Dhabi respectively.

2021 年當我們在波爾圖擊敗曼城時,他第一次舉起了歐冠獎盃,然後在貝爾法斯特和阿布達比分別戰勝了比利亞雷亞爾和帕爾梅拉斯,他的履歷中又增加了歐洲超級盃和國際足聯世俱盃。

The Brazilian has already racked up 24 appearances this campaign, showcasing his customary composure and reading of the game in the heart of our defence, which have made him such a firm favourite with Chelsea fans.

這位巴西球員本賽季已經出場 24 次,展現了一貫的沉著冷靜和在我們後防線核心位置解讀比賽的能力,這使他成為卻爾西球迷的最愛。

Congratulations, Thiago!


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