2023年2月16日 星期四

Jon Harley 成為 Portsmouth 的助理教練


Coach Harley heads to Portsmouth

16 FEB 2023

Jon Harley has today left his role within the Chelsea Academy to become assistant first team coach at Portsmouth.


A graduate of the Chelsea youth system himself, Harley has given 10 years of valuable coaching in our Academy across a range of age groups, mostly recently as an assistant with the Under-21 squad.

哈利來自卻爾西青訓體系,為我們的青訓營提供了 10 年寶貴的指導,橫跨各個年齡段,最近主要是作為 U21 的助理教練。

Working with the then head coach of our development squad, Andy Myers, they guided Chelsea to a Premier League 2 title in 2019/20, the pair having worked together with our Under-18s prior to that.

哈利與我們當時的發展隊主教練安迪.邁爾斯合作,指導卻爾西在 2019/20 賽季奪得英超二級聯賽冠軍,這對搭檔在此之前曾與我們的 U18 球員一起工作。

As a left-back at Chelsea, Harley made 42 appearances between 1998 and 2001, a successful period for the club which culminated for him personally when he played a part in the campaign that ended with the FA Cup lifted in 2000. His contribution to a semi-final victory over Newcastle at Wembley was especially crucial, including a superb cross for Gustavo Poyet to head the winning goal.

作為卻爾西的左後衛,哈利在 1998 年至 2001 年期間出場 42 次,那是俱樂部的成功時期,他個人也在 2000 年的足總盃奪冠旅程中發揮了重要作用,在溫布里戰勝紐卡索的四強戰中,他的貢獻尤為重要,送出了一記精彩的傳中,幫助波耶特頭球破門致勝。

Harley scored winners in league games against Watford and Leeds and played for England Under-21s before going on to enjoy a long playing career taking in several clubs, with his final one at Football League level being Portsmouth who he now re-joins to assist freshly appointed John Mousinho in League One.

哈利在對陣沃特福德和里茲聯的聯賽比賽中都攻入致勝球,並為英格蘭 U21 效力,之後他在幾家俱樂部度過了漫長的職業生涯,他在足球聯盟的最後一家俱樂部正是樸茨茅斯,現在他重新加盟,協助新任命的約翰.穆西尼奧。

We wish Jon well on the South Coast and thank him greatly for his sterling service over the years.


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