2023年2月2日 星期四

Enzo Fernandez 加盟,背號 5 號


Fernandez transfers to Chelsea

02 FEB 2023

World Cup-winner Enzo Fernandez has completed a move to Chelsea from Benfica on a contract until the summer of 2031.

世界盃冠軍恩佐.費爾南德斯完成了從本菲卡到卻爾西的轉會,雙方簽約至 2031 年夏天。

The young midfielder starred for Argentina in Qatar at the end of last year as they were crowned world champions and he was named the tournament’s best young player by FIFA, completing an outstanding 2022 in which he had caught the eye with a string of impressive performances for Benfica during his debut European campaign.

這名年輕的中場球員在去年底的卡達世界盃上為阿根廷效力,他們獲得了世界冠軍,他則被國際足聯評為賽事最佳年輕球員,而在歐洲的首個賽季,恩佐在本菲卡一系列令人印象深刻的表現引起了人們的注意,讓他收獲了一個不同凡響的 2022 年。

Upon signing, Fernandez said: ‘I am grateful to Chelsea and its ownership for doing everything they could to make me a part of this project. I’m happy and excited to join the Pride of London, to play in the best league in the world and to compete for the biggest trophies. I can’t wait to play in front of our fans and help my team-mates on and off the pitch.’

簽約時,費爾南德斯說: “我很感激卻爾西及其老闆,他們竭盡所能讓我成為這個計劃的一部分。我很高興也很興奮能加入倫敦的驕傲,在世界上最好的聯賽踢球,為最重要的獎盃而戰。我迫不及待地想在球迷面前比賽,在場上和場下幫助我的隊友。”

As one of the most promising young players in world football, Fernandez will further strengthen our midfield options for this season and the future


Fernandez is primarily a defensive-minded player, but possesses the technical ability to operate as a deep playmaker and the athleticism to move forward and support attacks, leading to him being regarded as a complete midfielder.


The 22-year-old started his career in the River Plate youth system in his homeland, making the breakthrough to senior football by winning continental silverware on loan at Defensa y Justicia, before claiming the league title on his return to River Plate. He was an instant hit when he moved to Benfica last summer, registering 11 goal involvements in his 29 appearances this season.

這位 22 歲的球員在祖國的河床青訓系統開始自己的足球生涯,在外租到國防與司法社會體育俱樂部時取得成年足球的突破,獲得了洲際盃賽冠軍,並在回到河床後獲得了聯賽冠軍。去年夏天轉會本菲卡後,他一炮而紅,本賽季出場 29 次,貢獻 11 個進球+助攻。

Todd Boehly, Chelsea chairman, and Behdad Eghbali, co-controlling owner, said: ‘In Enzo we are signing a World Cup-winner and one of the brightest talents in global football. We are excited to add him to Graham’s squad and we are sure he will form an important part of our team going forward. Enzo has demonstrated his ability at the very highest levels so we’re looking forward to seeing what he will do in Chelsea blue!’

卻爾西主席伯利和共同控股所有人埃格巴里說: “我們簽下了恩佐,他是世界盃冠軍成員,也是全球足壇最光明的天才之一。我們很興奮他加入波特的隊伍,我們確信他將成為球隊未來的重要組成部分。恩佐已經在最高水平舞台上展示了他的能力,所以我們很期待他穿上卻爾西藍衫後的表現!”

Welcome to Stamford Bridge, Enzo!



Enzo Fernandez squad number revealed

02 FEB 2023

New signing Enzo Fernandez will wear the number five shirt for Chelsea.

卻爾西新援恩佐.費爾南德斯將身披 5 號球衣。

The central midfielder, who has joined us from Portuguese giants Benfica, arrived at Cobham earlier today to undertake his official unveiling photos and meet staff at our training base.


He has signed a contract until June 2031 and will sport the No.5 shirt previously worn by Jorginho, who departed to Arsenal on deadline day.

他的合同到 2031 年六月到期,他將穿著若日尼奧之前穿過的 5 號球衣,若日尼奧在轉會截止日離開藍軍加盟了兵工廠。

When starring at the World Cup for Argentina, he wore the No.24 shirt - which is occupied by Cobham graduate Reece James here in west London.

代表阿根廷參加世界盃時,恩佐穿的是 24 號球衣,這是科本青訓里斯.詹姆士在卻爾西的球衣號碼。

He wore the No.13 shirt for Benfica.

在本菲卡效力期間,恩佐身穿 13 號球衣。


Enzo Fernandez - the biography

01 FEB 2023

With Enzo Fernandez having completed his transfer to Chelsea, we tell his story so far…


.Where is Enzo Fernandez from?


Born in San Martin on the outskirts of Buenos Aires in January 2001, Enzo Fernandez joined River Plate aged just five, having stood out playing for his local team Club La Recova. His father had named him after Enzo Francescoli, a legendary former River midfielder, so the move so early in his life had extra poignancy.

2001 年一月恩佐.費爾南德斯出生於布宜諾斯艾利斯郊區的聖馬丁,年僅 5 歲就加盟河床,當時他在當地球隊拉雷科瓦俱樂部表現出色。他的父親以河床傳奇中場球恩佐.法蘭切斯科利的名字為他命名,因此他在非常小的時候就完成了一次很有意義的轉會。

.What position does Enzo Fernandez play?


Always a central midfielder, Fernandez progressed through River’s fabled academy system and was called up to the reserve squad early in 2019. He soon played his first game at that level, and within days took another significant step in his fledgling senior career, making River’s first-team bench for their defeat to Patronato barely a week after his 18th birthday.

費爾南德斯一直是一名正中場球員,他在河床傳奇的青訓體系中成長,2019 年初被拉上預備隊。他很快就踢了自己的第一場比賽,幾天後邁出了初出茅廬的重要一步,在 18 歲生日後一週河床輸給帕特羅納托的比賽中,第一次坐上河床一線隊的替補席。

River manager Marcelo Gallardo carefully managed his development and waited until March 2020 before handing him his River debut in a Copa Libertadores defeat to LDU Quito. Soon after, Gallardo advised Fernandez to go out on loan to gain experience. He duly joined Hernan Crespo’s Defensa y Justicia.

河床主教練馬塞洛.加拉爾多小心的幫助他發展,直到 2020 年三月,他才在自由者盃輸給基多的比賽中首次亮相。不久之後,加拉爾多建議費爾南德斯外租獲得比賽經驗,他加入了埃爾南.克雷斯波的國防與司法社會體育俱樂部。

Fernandez’s nine months at one of Buenos Aires’ smaller clubs proved a major success. He was able to adapt to the rigours of top-flight Argentinean football, putting in extra hours after training to improve his physicality.


On the pitch he quickly earned his place in the starting XI, showcasing his technical ability under former Chelsea striker Crespo. As his fitness and flexibility improved, so did his recovery skills in the middle of the park, suiting Defensa y Justicia’s pressing style.

在球場上,他很快就在先發 11 人中佔據了位置,在前卻爾西前鋒克雷斯波的帶領下,他展示了自己的技術能力。隨著體能和靈活性的提高,他在中場的爭搶能力也變強了,適合國防與司法社會體育俱樂部的逼搶風格。

.What trophies has Enzo Fernandez won?


Fernandez and the Hawks’ star burned brightest in the Copa Sudamericana, South America’s equivalent of the Europa League. He started both legs of a 4-2 aggregate semi-final success over Chile’s Coquimbo Unido in January 2021, and then shone in the final against Argentinean rivals Lanus. Defensa y Justicia won 3-0, securing their first honour in a generation, and first ever in continental competition.

費爾南德斯和國防與司法社會體育在南美盃(相當於南美的歐羅巴聯賽)上表現耀眼。2021 年一月對陣智利科金博尤尼多體育的四強戰中,他兩回合都是先發,幫助球隊以總比分 4-2 晉級,然後在對陣阿根廷死敵拉努斯的決賽中大放異彩,國防與司法社會體育以 3-0 獲勝,獲得了一個世代以來的第一個榮譽,也是他們第一次在大洲比賽中獲得榮譽。

A second international triumph swiftly followed. Fernandez played throughout both legs of the Recopa Sudamericana, CONMEBOL’s answer to the UEFA Super Cup. Against Copa Libertadores champions Palmeiras, Fernandez more than held his own as Defensa y Justicia overturned a 3-1 aggregate deficit to take the showpiece to penalties. Fernandez made no mistake with his.

第二場國際比賽的勝利緊隨其後,費爾南德斯踢了南美超級盃的兩回合比賽,這是南美足聯舉辦的類似歐洲超級盃的賽事,在對陣南美自由者盃冠軍帕爾梅拉斯的比賽中,費爾南德斯在總比分 1-3 落後的情況下幫助球隊逆轉劣勢,將比賽拖入點球大戰,隨後主罰點球命中。

Fernandez’s performances had caught the eye and Gallardo ended his loan, which was due to run until December 2021, early. He returned to River, who were flying high in the table, in July, and went straight into their starting XI.

費爾南德斯的表現引起了人們的注意,加拉爾多提前結束了他的外租,他的租借期原本要到 2021 年 12 月,但他在七月回到了河床,當時他們在積分榜上高居榜首,恩佐直接進入了先發陣容。

Fernandez scored his first goal for his boyhood club against Velez Sarsfield in August 2021, providing an assist in the same game. River won the league title with three games to spare, with Fernandez featuring 15 times in all. He had his third winners’ medal in the same calendar year.

費爾南德斯在 2021 年八月對陣薩斯菲爾德的比賽中打進了他在俱樂部的處子球,並在同一場比賽中送出了助攻。河床以三場比賽的優勢贏得了聯賽冠軍,費爾南德斯總共出場 15 次,在同一年中他獲得了自己的第三面獎牌。

If 2021 was Fernandez’s breakout year in South American football, then 2022 was when he announced himself to the world.

如果說 2021 年是費爾南德斯在南美足壇大放異彩的一年,那麼 2022 年就是他向世界宣告自我的一年。

In the first half of the year his game reached a new level. Fernandez scored 10 goals and registered six assists in 26 appearances for River in league and cup, cementing himself as the box-to-box midfielder he had always aspired to be.

2022 年上半年,他的實力達到了一個新的水平。費爾南德斯在聯賽和盃賽中為河床出場 26 次,打進 10 球,送出 6 次助攻,確立了自己一直渴望成為的 B2B 中場球員的地位。

Unsurprisingly, his performances did not go unnoticed in Europe, and after much speculation in the summer he joined Benfica, a club renowned for importing South American starlets.


Fernandez, who turned 22 earlier this month, took no time adapting to his new surroundings. Deployed in the double pivot alongside the more defensively-minded Florentino Luis, Fernandez’s creative capabilities have stood out in the Liga Nos, along with his tenacity.

本月初剛滿 22 歲的費爾南德斯很快就適應了新環境,與防守意識更強的佛洛倫蒂諾.路易斯一起擔任雙後腰,他的創造力和堅韌令他在葡超聯賽中脫穎而出。

So impressive were his performances he was named the league’s best midfielder in August, October and November. Prior to the World Cup – more on that later – Fernandez played 24 times for Benfica, scoring three goals and laying on five more as the Eagles went undefeated in the league and in Europe. They finished first in their Champions League group, above PSG and Juventus, with Fernandez finding himself right at home in Europe’s top competition.

他的表現令人印象深刻,在八月、10 月和 11 月被評為聯賽最佳中場。在世界盃前,費爾南德斯為本菲卡出場 24 次,打入 3 球,助攻 5 次,幫助本菲卡在聯賽和歐洲賽場保持不敗。他們在歐冠小組中排名第一,領先巴黎聖日耳曼和尤文圖斯,費爾南德斯在歐洲頂級賽事中奉獻了精彩的表現。

.How many goals has Enzo Fernandez scored and how many games did he play for Benfica?

.恩佐.費爾南德斯進了多少球? 他為本菲卡踢了幾場比賽?

He leaves Benfica with 29 appearances, four goals and seven assists to his name.

在離開本菲卡前他一共出場 29 次,打進 4 球,送出 7 次助攻。

.How many international caps does Enzo Fernandez have?


Enzo was named in Lionel Scaloni’s Argentina squad for a pair of friendlies in September, coming off the bench in wins against Honduras and Jamaica to earn the first two of 10 caps for his country. A World Cup call-up was inevitable.

恩佐在九月的兩場友誼賽中入選了斯卡羅尼的阿根廷大名單,在對陣宏都拉斯和牙買加的比賽中替補出場,完成了代表國家隊出戰 10 場比賽中的前兩場,毫無爭議的入選世界盃大名單。

It was Fernandez’s introduction off the bench in Argentina’s second game in Qatar, against Mexico, that helped spring them into life following a shock reverse to Saudi Arabia. He whipped in a superb goal on the angle after dummying past his defender to put the seal on a 2-0 win from which Scaloni’s side never looked back.

在卡達世界盃阿根廷第二場對陣墨西哥的比賽中,費爾南德斯替補登場,幫助阿根廷在被沙烏地阿拉伯意外逆轉後恢復了活力,他用假動作晃開防守球員,小角度打進一個超級進球,幫助球隊 2-0 鎖定勝局,斯卡羅尼的球隊從此一發不可收拾。

Fernandez started the next game, setting up a goal for Julian Alvarez as Argentina beat Poland, and he didn’t miss a minute of their stunning knockout campaign. Positioned at the base of Argentina’s midfield trio, Fernandez’s tactical acumen, endless energy and technical proficiency was not only crucial in La Albiceleste’s first glory on the global stage since 1986; it also won him the FIFA Young Player Award.

費爾南德斯在接下來的比賽中先發出場,助攻阿爾瓦雷斯打進一球,幫助阿根廷擊敗波蘭。在他們令人驚嘆的淘汰賽中,他出戰了每一分鐘。作為阿根廷中場三人組的核心,費爾南德斯的戰術敏銳度、無盡的體能和技術嫻熟度不僅是藍白軍團自 1986 年以來首次捧起世界盃的關鍵,也為他贏得國際足聯的最佳年輕球員獎。

Only our own Mateo Kovacic and Hakim Ziyech were successful with more tackles than Fernandez, and his pass success rate of 88 per cent in the engine room ranked higher than most. No wonder Lionel Messi described him as a ‘spectacular’ player.

只有我們的科瓦契奇和齊耶奇比費爾南德斯完成了更多的鏟斷,他的 88% 傳球成功率比大多數人都高,也難怪梅西形容他是一名 “了不起的” 球員。

.How old is Enzo Fernandez?


Fernandez was born on 17 January 2001, so he recently turned 22 years old.

費爾南德斯出生於 2001 年 1 月 17 日,最近他剛滿 22 歲。

.How tall is Enzo Fernandez?


Enzo Fernandez stands at 1.78m tall, or 5ft 10in.

恩佐.費爾南德斯身高 1.78 米,相當於 5 呎 10 吋。

.What squad number does Enzo Fernandez wear?


Fernandez’s shirt number will be the no.5, previously worn by Jorginho who moved to Arsenal on transfer deadline day. Most recently at Benfica Fernandez wore the no.13 shirt.

費爾南德斯的球衣號碼將是 5 號,之前屬於冬窗截止日轉會兵工廠的若日尼奧。之前在本菲卡,費爾南德斯穿的是 13 號球衣。


本菲卡官方公告:轉會費 1 億 2100 萬歐元(約 1 億 700 萬英鎊),本菲卡要分 25% 給河床。

本菲卡官方公告英譯版本:卻爾西要付 3.78% (約 460 萬歐元)的培養費給各俱樂部。

Benfica announced: "Sport Lisboa e Benfica – Futebol, SAD has announced that it has reached an agreement with Chelsea FC for the transfer of all rights of the player Enzo Fernández, for an amount of €121m.

"Benfica underline that Chelsea will have the right to withhold the 3.78% solidarity contribution to be distributed to the clubs that participated in the player's training.

"Benfica will also have to pay River Plate 25% of the transfer value deducted from solidarity charges and brokerage services."

轉會專家 Fabrizio Romano:轉會費分六期支付,首付 4000 萬英鎊。

The Athletic 記者 David Ornstein:卻爾西首付 3400 萬歐元,餘款分五期支付。

旗幟晚報記者 Nizaar Kinsella:卻爾西首先在世界盃上確認恩佐,然後數據也支持簽下他。

週日時報記者 Duncan Castles:如果卻爾西願意將恩佐回租本菲卡到季末的話轉會費將只有 1 億歐元,但恩佐想立刻轉會。



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