2023年2月2日 星期四

轉會傳聞:Jimmy-Jay Morgan

歡迎 Jimmy-Jay Morgan 回娘家!

自媒體 Felix Johnston 獨家:據了解卻爾西已經簽下 17 歲的南安普頓小將 Jimmy Morgan。

Felix Johnston:摩根 U21 出賽 15 場 19 進球+助攻、U18 出賽 3 場 6 進球+助攻、平均每 90 分鐘進 1.1 球、平均每 90 分鐘貢獻 1.63 進球+助攻。

The Athletic 記者 Jacob Tanswell:吉米杰.摩根已離開南安普頓加盟卻爾西,他被視為南安普頓最閃亮的新星之一,但在摩根拒絕簽約後,南安別無選擇只能放人。

轉會專家 Fabrizio Romano:據了解卻爾西已和南安普頓達成協議,摩根的總轉會費含附加條款接近 600 萬英鎊,轉會幾乎完成。

羅馬諾:摩根的體檢已完成、基本轉會費 300 萬英鎊再加上附加條款、合約簽到 2026 年六月、南安對於失去他們最棒的人才之一感到失望。

自媒體 The Secret Scout:南安普頓將收到 250 萬英鎊轉會費,曼城對摩根也有興趣,但球員選擇回到卻爾西,他將待在卻爾西 U21 隊。

以下內容譯自旗幟晚報 Evening Standard:

Chelsea sign Southampton striker Jimmy-Jay Morgan for £6m to bolster academy ranks

By Nizaar Kinsella - 01 Feb 2023

Chelsea have signed 17-year-old Southampton striker Jimmy-Jay Morgan for a reported £6million fee, plus add-ons.

卻爾西簽下南安普頓 17 歲的前鋒吉米杰.摩根,轉會費 600 萬英鎊,外加附加條款。

The highly sought-after youngster had been an unused substitute at St Mary’s but joins primarily to bolster the Blues’ academy ranks.


Morgan spent time in Chelsea’s academy at the age of eight but returned to Southampton due to the difficulty of long car journeys to and from his home on the south coast.


The considerable size of the capital club’s offer and his refusal to sign a new contract forced Southampton to accept the sale despite Morgan having 18 months left on his current deal.

如今合約只剩 18 個月的摩根拒絕續約,再加上卻爾西開出不錯的條件,南安普頓只好選擇放人。

The Blues are keen to invest heavily in their academy teams and beat a host of clubs, including Leeds, to his signature.


Southampton manager Nathan Jones had been weighing up offering Morgan a debut in recent weeks after a spell training with the first-team.


“A fantastic player with a bright future if he picks the right choices and people working with him handle him well,” he said ahead of last weekend’s FA Cup win over Blackpool.

瓊斯在上週末足總盃戰勝布萊克浦前說: "摩根是非常棒的球員,如果他做出正確的選擇,而且在他身邊工作的人好好對待他的話,他的未來會非常光明。"

Jones’s words came after a run of six goals and five assists in 13 games at youth level this season. The England Under-17 striker was a prolific scorer last year too, scoring 27 goals for the Saints’ U16s before being promoted to the U18s and scoring 13 more.

摩根本季在青年隊出賽 13 場進 6 球、助攻 5 次,這名英格蘭 U17 國家隊的前鋒上賽季也收穫頗豐,在南安普頓 U16 隊進了 27 球,升上 U18 隊後又進了 13 球。

Chelsea had poached goalkeeper Eddie Beach and forward Tyler Dibling from Saints in the summer, the latter of whom has since returned due to homesickness.


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