2023年3月30日 星期四

John Terry、Petr Cech、Ashley Cole 獲得英超名人堂提名


Three Blues shortlisted for Premier League Hall of Fame

30 MAR 2023

Chelsea legends Petr Cech, Ashley Cole and John Terry have all been nominated for induction into the Premier League Hall of Fame.


The Premier League Hall of Fame was created in 2021 as a way to recognise the achievements of the greatest names to have graced the English top flight since it became the Premier League in 1992, with the league considering it the highest honour they can bestow.

英超名人堂成立於 2021 年,旨在表彰自 1992 年英超聯賽成立以來,為英格蘭頂級聯賽增光的最偉大球員的成就,英超聯盟認為這是他們可以授予的最高榮譽。

There are already two Chelsea legends on the list, with Frank Lampard among the inaugural members and Didier Drogba added last year, but they could be joined by three more former Blues in the 2023 additions.

名人堂中已有兩位卻爾西傳奇人物,蘭帕德是首屆名人堂成員,德羅巴則是去年加入的,但名人堂可能會在 2023 年新增三名前藍軍球員。

Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger have already been confirmed as the first managers to be included in the Hall of Fame, but three players will be named alongside them in this year’s inductees, with Cech, Cole and Terry on the 15-man shortlist.

佛格森爵士和溫格已經確定成為第一批入選名人堂的主教練,今年還有三名球員將與他們一起入選名人堂,切赫、阿什利.科爾和特里在 15 人候選名單中。

Petr Cech is the most successful goalkeeper in Chelsea and the Premier League’s history, with his 202 clean sheets in the competition – 163 of them for the Blues – remaining a record by a comfortable margin, having received the Golden Glove award for the top-flight’s most clean sheets in a record four separate seasons. The 24 shut outs he managed in his very first Premier League campaign in 2004/05 is also still unmatched.

切赫是卻爾西和英超歷史上最成功的門將,他在比賽中 202 次零封對手,其中 163 次代表藍軍。他以輕鬆優勢保持著一項紀錄,在四個賽季中獲得了頂級聯賽零封次數最多的金手套獎。他在 2004/05 賽季的第一個英超聯賽中就完成了 24 場零封,這仍是無人能及的。

The goalkeeper’s debut season here also brought the first of his four Premier League titles, all of which were won under the captaincy of Terry, Chelsea’s most successful skipper of all-time.


John Terry earned five winner’s medals himself, becoming the first person to captain any club to five Premier League titles shortly before departing Stamford Bridge in 2017. Terry’s 492 Premier League appearances for Chelsea is a club record and his 41 goals in the competition is more than any other defender has managed.

特里自己贏得了五座英超冠軍,2017 年離開斯坦福橋前不久,他成為了第一個帶領俱樂部獲得五次英超冠軍的球員。特里在英超聯賽中為卻爾西出場 492 次,這是俱樂部的紀錄,他在聯賽中的 41 個進球也超過了其他後衛。

Cole already had two Premier League winner’s medals in his possession from his time with Arsenal when he joined Chelsea in 2006, and added a third with the Blues in 2010, becoming one of only two players to have won the Double of Premier League and FA Cup with two different clubs in the process.

2006 年阿什利.科爾加盟卻爾西時,已經在阿森納獲得了兩面英超冠軍獎牌,2010 年在藍軍獲得了第三面,成為僅有的兩名在兩家不同俱樂部贏得英超和足總盃雙冠王的球員之一。

Three of the 15 nominated players will be inducted into the Premier League Hall of Fame in 2023, with the final selection decided by a public vote in conjunction with the Premier League awards panel and 16 existing members of the Hall of Fame.

15 名提名球員中的 3 人將於 2023 年進入英超名人堂,最終人選將由公眾投票、英超評獎委員會和 16 名名人堂現有成員共同決定。

You have until 6pm on Monday 10 April to have your say on who joins the illustrious list in 2023 by voting at the Premier League website, with the new inductees being revealed on Wednesday 3 May.

球迷們可以在 4 月 10 日週一下午 6 點前通過英超官網投票,決定誰將在 2023 年加入英超名人堂,最終的入圍人選將於 5 月 3 日週三公佈。

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