2023年3月22日 星期三

Ben Chilwell:我和 Reece James 一起分擔錯過世界盃的痛苦


Chilwell: Reece helped me through World Cup heartbreak

22 MAR 2023

Ben Chilwell has opened up about the mental struggles he faced during the winter World Cup when he was ruled out of the competition due to a hamstring injury.


The left-back was joined in the Chelsea treatment room at the same time by his compatriot and fellow full-back Reece James, who was recovering from a knee injury.


Both were likely to have been called up by Gareth Southgate for the tournament in Qatar but injuries sustained in Champions League matches in the run up to the competition ensured they would not be featuring.


The English duo instead travelled to Abu Dhabi for a warm weather training camp to continue their rehabilitation, alongside their Chelsea team-mates, and Chilwell has explained what it was like supporting the Three Lions from afar.


‘I think mentally it was very challenging. Of course, the Euros I was there and the World Cup, I wasn’t there. It was a different kind of challenge. It kind of gets sprung on you so you don’t have much time to adapt,’ Chilwell said, when facing the media ahead of England’s match against Italy on Thursday night.

“我認為這在心理上非常具有挑戰性。歐洲盃我去了,世界盃我沒去,這是一種不同的挑戰。這件事突然發生在我身上,所以我沒有太多的時間去適應,” 奇爾維爾在週四晚上英格蘭對陣義大利的比賽前面對媒體時說。

‘I just thought how can I turn this situation into a positive and work on myself as a footballer and a person. I tried to spend a lot of time with my family, get away from it a bit and reset.


‘Now, mentally I feel refreshed and ready to go again. That’s pretty much the way I’ve tried to look at the injuries I’ve had and try to spin it into a situation where I can help myself to be better to help Chelsea and England.’


Ben was asked about how having Reece alongside him helped him battle through the challenges, and he outlined the 23-year-old’s supportive nature as a huge factor in overcoming those hurdles.

奇爾維爾被問到里斯.詹姆士是如何幫助他戰勝挑戰的,他透露了 23 歲的詹姆士的個人性格是克服這些障礙的一個巨大因素。

‘Weirdly, it was nice that we had each other during that time as it was someone you could share the pain of missing a World Cup with.


‘We were at a training camp in Abu Dhabi with Chelsea for the knockout games. I was cheering the team on. We watched it as a team really.


‘We put it up in the hotel and sat down after dinner to watch the games every night. Of course, when you have a lot of different nationalities and players supporting different teams,’ Chilwell added.

“我們一起在飯店裡,每天晚飯後坐下來看比賽。當然,當時有很多不同國籍的球員支持不同的球隊,” 奇爾維爾補充道。

‘All the banter was in a light-hearted nature. It was nice to watch the games together. Me and Reece helped each other and we are both stronger and playing well with our clubs at the moment.’


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