2023年3月13日 星期一

Anthony Barry 兼任 Portugal 國家隊助理教練


Chelsea coach Barry adds Portugal role

13 MAR 2023

Chelsea assistant coach Anthony Barry has taken up a dual role with the Portugal men’s national team.


The 36-year-old has been at Chelsea since 2020, assistant first to Frank Lampard, then Thomas Tuchel, and now Graham Potter.

這位 36 歲的教練自 2020 年以來一直在卻爾西效力,先是蘭帕德的助手,然後是圖赫爾,現在是波特。

In that time he has held other roles with the Ireland and Belgium national teams. For the latter, which concluded after the World Cup in Qatar, he assisted Roberto Martinez, and he will link up with the former Everton boss once again after he was announced as Portugal’s new manager in January.

在此期間,他曾在愛爾蘭和比利時國家隊擔任過其他職務,協助羅伯托.馬丁內斯和比利時國家隊的工作則是隨卡達世界盃結束,在今年 1 月馬丁內斯成為葡萄牙新主帥後,他將再次與這位前埃佛頓主帥合作。

Also joining Martinez’s backroom staff is Ricardo Carvalho, the legendary former Chelsea defender and a Euro 2016 winner with his native Portugal.

馬丁內斯的幕僚還包括里卡度.卡瓦略,這位傳奇的前卻爾西後衛曾幫助他的祖國葡萄牙贏得了 2016 年歐洲盃冠軍。

Barry will remain in his existing position at Chelsea and link up with the Portugal squad in the international windows, the first of which is later this month when they play Liechtenstein and Luxembourg in Euro 2024 qualifiers.

巴里將繼續留在卻爾西,並在國際比賽期間與葡萄牙隊會合,第一場國際比賽是在本月晚些時候,葡萄牙將在 2024 年歐洲盃資格賽中對陣列支敦斯登和盧森堡。

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