2023年3月13日 星期一

Ben Chilwell:這是最棒的進球之一、感謝球迷的唱歌支持、剩下的比賽必須盡力取勝


Chilwell: Every game is a must-win now

13 MAR 2023

Ben Chilwell has reflected on what was a pleasing and promising performance at Leicester City on Saturday, but has warned the hard work is still to come.


The left wing-back scored his second goal of the season in the victory at the King Power Stadium, a goal which was especially special for the England international, as it came against his former club.


After the game, Ben reflected on that goal, which certainly put a smile on his face, and the team's overall showing in the East Midlands.


‘I think it was probably one of the most enjoyable goals for myself of my career. It’s no bad blood at all, I really enjoy coming back here and seeing all of the old faces that I used to see all the time day to day,’ Chilwell said.

“我認為這可能是我職業生涯中最愉快的進球之一。我們之間沒有嫌隙,我真的很喜歡回到這裡,看到那些我以前每天都能看到的老面孔。” 奇爾維爾說。

‘But when it’s that 90 minutes on the pitch, of course I’m going to give everything to win the game for Chelsea, and thankfully today I contributed with a goal.’

“但在球場上的 90 分鐘,我當然會為卻爾西的勝利付出一切,謝天謝地,今天我貢獻了一個進球。”

Chilwell also paid special mention to the travelling supporters, who were behind the team from minute one.


‘I loved the way the fans got behind us. They have done all season, it’s been a difficult season, but they’ve stuck with us and today to hear them singing that song [won the European Cup] the whole game was nice for me, gave me a little bit of a boost.


‘Then the scenes at the end, seeing all the fans who travelled up the country to support us, thankfully we gave them three points. It was just a good moment at the end to celebrate with them, to show that togetherness that we all have,’ he added.

“然後是最後的場景,所有的卻爾西球迷都從全國各地趕來支持我們,謝天謝地我們獻給了他們一場勝利。最後是很好的時刻,可以和球迷一起慶祝,展示我們所有人的團結。” 他補充說。

Chelsea still have 12 games left to play in the Premier League meaning 36 points are still up for grabs. Chilwell says the squad are not thinking about the long run, but instead the next task which will come against Sean Dyche’s Everton on Saturday.

卻爾西在英超還有 12 場比賽,藍軍還有 36 分可以爭奪。奇爾維爾說球隊沒有考慮那麼遠,而是專注於下一個任務,即週六對陣戴克的埃佛頓。

'It’s easy to get complacent. Three wins, but we still know we’ve still got so much work to do this season, a lot to build on. There are positives but there are things we can work on from today and that’s what we are going to do. We have a week until Everton now,' Ben stated.

“人很容易變得自滿,三場勝利,但我們知道這個賽季還有很多工作要做,還有很多事要努力。有積極的方面,但從今天開始,我們需要繼續努力,這就是我們要做的事,離埃佛頓的比賽還有一週的時間,” 奇爾維爾說。

'Every game now between here and the end of the season is going to have to be that same mindset, a must-win match. We’ve still got big aspirations for the season, that is where we are at.


'We are going game by game. Whether you are at the top, or where we are now. We have a week to work now. Of course, we are going to enjoy that win on Saturday [vs Leicester], a great win, but we’ve got a lot of big games coming up so we need to make sure we are ready.


'Coming off the back of what was a massive win for us on Tuesday, it was equally important in our heads before the game to win today. We didn’t want to come here after Tuesday's game and put in a bad performance.'


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