2022年12月27日 星期二

Graham Potter:必須小心安排 Reece James 的上場時間、世界盃前的極端賽程挑戰很大、相信球隊和 Raheem Sterling 都有進步空間


Potter outlines the plan for Reece James’s return

26 DEC 2022

There have been pros and cons aplenty to the mid-season break in domestic action but the time afforded for Reece James to recover from his knee injury has been a huge positive for Chelsea, according to Graham Potter.


The full-back hasn’t featured since sustaining the injury at the San Siro in early October and missed England’s World Cup campaign in Qatar as a result.


However, James’s rehabilitation has progressed well and he played over an hour in a friendly against Brentford last week, with Potter hoping he will be able to feature more regularly in the games against Bournemouth, Nottingham Forest and a Manchester City double-header that lie ahead.


‘He was in a really good place before he got injured if you look at how the team was functioning,’ said the head coach. ‘Reece is a top player and when he’s not with us, it’s a miss.

“如果去看球隊之前的運作方式,就會發現詹姆士在受傷前的狀態非常好。  波特說, 里斯是一名頂級球員,當他不能和我們在一起的時候,這就是個問題。” 

‘The plan now is to try and help him play his minutes and the next challenge is building them up in the Premier League, which is not an ideal place to do that but he’s got the capacity to do it.


‘We just need to be clear and careful with the minutes that he plays but I’m confident that the more football he plays, the more we’ll see what a fantastic player he is.’


Psychological healing was needed as much as physical for James, who was left devastated to miss out on a first World Cup with an injury blow so soon before the tournament started.


He returned to the grass quickly and had hoped that would convince England manager Gareth Southgate to include him in the Three Lions squad but unfortunately the decision went against the 23-year-old and Potter acknowledges that was hard to take.


‘It's a World Cup and they only come round every four years,’ he continued. ‘When you’re young, the perspective is not so easy to get because you just want to play in the World Cup and that’s really understandable.

“這是世界盃,每四年才舉行一次,” 波特繼續說, “當球員年輕的時候,不太容易接受這種情況,因為他們很想參加世界盃,這是可以理解的。”

‘It’s the same for Ben Chilwell and N’Golo Kante. It’s brutal really to have to deal with. I can try to help them and give them a bit of perspective but in the end it has to come from them, their families and the people close to them.


‘Thankfully, Reece has got all that in place. He’s done really well, he’s in a good mood and in a good place with us. He trains well, he’s a good team-mate and he’s dealt with it well. He’s been training for a few weeks now and that obviously helps. The best thing is that he’s playing football again and the World Cup has finished now so he can just concentrate on that.’


Having referenced Chilwell and Kante, who also missed the tournament with injury, Potter explained how the burden of staying fit and healthy in the build-up the World Cup would hopefully now be lifted throughout the squad.


‘It was a challenging period for all the players because you’ve got another 12 [those who went to the World Cup] who are watching their team-mates getting injured and missing the World Cup,’ he added. ‘You have to think on some level there’s an effect there too.

“這對所有球員來說都是一段充滿挑戰的時期,因為有12名參加世界盃的球員眼睜睜的看著自己的隊友因傷錯過世界盃, 他補充說, 我們必須在某種程度上考慮到這些影響。”

‘At least the young ones are thinking there are other opportunities. Thiago Silva, for example, will be thinking "this is my last chance so I need to stay healthy" and you don’t know how much that affects them.

“至少年輕球員認為他們還有其他機會,但蒂亞戈.席爾瓦可能會想 '這是我最後的機會了,所以我必須保持健康' ,不知道這會對他們有多大影響。”

‘It was a really challenging and interesting period before the World Cup but I think everyone will benefit from the fact they’ve gone and done it. Now they can come back and we can focus on the Premier League, the Champions League and all the things we’ve got to look forward to ourselves.’



以下內容節譯自 football.london:

Graham Potter makes honest January transfer admission as Reece James plan is revealed

By Scott Trotter, Chelsea writer & Adam Newson, Chelsea correspondent - 22:30, 26 DEC 2022

Graham Potter says it will not be straightforward for Chelsea to "find solutions" in the upcoming January transfer window – and he insists there are several players in the current first-team squad who can improve during the second half of the campaign.


"I would say the January window isn't so straightforward to find solutions," said Potter on Friday. "From my perspective, the autumn fixture list was an extreme period – and I would not want to make too many drastic assessments [on players] based on that extreme period.

"我們不會那麼直接去一月的轉會窗口尋找解答," 波特週五說, "就我的觀點來看,秋季的賽程太極端了,我不想在這種賽程下對球員們做出太多激烈的評估。"

"The team, as I see it, hasn't functioned as maximally as I would have liked – and I think that it can do. I would say the job of the head coach is to focus on the players that are here and make them better. There's room for improvement there for sure."

"我認為這支球隊還沒有達到我想要的最大運作方式 - 而我認為這是做得到的。我認為主教練的工作是專注在現有球員身上,並讓他們變得更好,能進步的空間是確實存在的。"



Potter looking at himself to get best out of Sterling

27 DEC 2022

Chelsea head coach Graham Potter has provided an update on Raheem Sterling’s state of mind off the field and his on-pitch confidence following recent events.


It has been a dramatic few weeks for Sterling, his stay in Qatar for the 2022 FIFA World Cup interrupted by an unscheduled return to England following a burglary at his Surrey home.

對斯特林來說,這是戲劇性的幾週,他在卡達參加 2022 年國際足聯世界盃時被打斷了,因為他在薩里的家中被盜,不得不突然返回英國。

That saw him miss the last-16 victory over Senegal, though he rejoined the camp in time for the quarter-final against France, during which he came off the bench for the final 11 minutes in the aftermath of what proved to be Olivier Giroud’s winning goal.

這讓他錯過了 16 強戰勝塞內加爾的比賽,儘管他在八強戰對陣法國的比賽中及時回到了球隊,在比賽的最後 11 分鐘替補出場,但法國仍通過吉魯的致勝進球晉級。

‘He’s good, as good as you can be,’ Potter reported on the 28-year-old. ‘Sadly it’s not the first time that it’s happened to him. There’s nothing we can do now other than make sure he’s as secure as possible with his family. That’s the most important thing.’

“他很好,和別人一樣好,” 波特這樣評價 28 歲的斯特林, “不幸的是,這不是第一次發生在他身上了。除了確保他和家人的安全,現在我們什麼也做不了,這是最重要的事。”

Despite that difficult and disturbing development, Potter believes the forward enjoyed his time with Gareth Southgate’s group in the Middle East.


He started and scored in the group opener against Iran, taking him to 20 career goals for the Three Lions, and it is that form in the final third that his club manager hopes he can replicate upon the resumption of Chelsea’s Premier League campaign today.

小組賽首場對陣伊朗的比賽中,他先發出場並取得進球,這也讓他在三獅軍團的生涯中收穫了 20 個進球,而波特希望他能在今天卻爾西重新開始的英超聯賽中再現他在進攻三區的狀態。

‘The World Cup experience for him was positive,’ continued Potter. ‘Speaking to him, he’s positive about it and he enjoyed it. He’s come back like the rest - focused and looking forward to the game, knowing that we can all do a little bit better. We can all perform better so we’re all itching to try to do that.’

“世界盃的經歷對他來說是積極的,” 波特繼續說道, “跟他聊起來,他對此很積極,也很享受。他像其他人一樣回來了 - 專注並期待著比賽,他知道我們都可以稍微做得更好,可以表現得更好,我們都渴望這樣做。”

Assessing Sterling’s overall club form since his summer switch from Manchester City, Potter reiterates a point he has made before; that it is unfair to judge individuals in a system that is not yet functioning as efficiently as the head coach wants it to.


Instead, the focus should be on improving the collective in order to bring out the best from the likes of Sterling and his attacking team-mates.


‘He's come into a new team that have lost some key players over the summer, brought some new ones in during the transfer window and had a manager change,’ added Potter. ‘The team hasn’t functioned as well as I believe it can and Raheem, along with all the players, has suffered for that.

“他來到了一支新的球隊,這支球隊在夏天失去了一些關鍵球員,在轉會窗口引進了一些新人,而且主教練也換了。 波特補充說, 球隊並沒有像我認為的那樣發揮作用,斯特林和所有球員都為此付出了代價。”

‘It would be wrong for me to say that Raheem has been at the absolute top of his game but he’s not the only one. It’s my responsibility to help the team function better so that he can play better because he’s got the quality of a top player.’


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