2022年12月24日 星期六

Behdad Eghbali 對俱樂部未來的展望

以下內容譯自 CBS 記者  Ben Jacobs 推特:

下午11:21 · 2022年12月24日

Behdad Eghbali tells
@Sportico Chelsea was "not terribly well managed on the football, sporting or promotional side" under Roman Abramovich. As previously reported, new owners were surprised by the lack of data they inherited and the 'disconnected' internal structure of the club.

大老闆之一的埃格巴里於 Sportico 受訪時說,在阿布拉莫維奇治下,卻爾西 "在足球、競技或宣傳層面上並沒有被很好的管理著",就如此前的報導,新老闆們接管的這家俱樂部,其數據和內部結構連結的缺乏程度,讓他們感到訝異。

Eghbali was always going to be hands on and will be key in January. Although not carrying a defined football title like Todd Boehly, he's firmly across budget, negotiations and partnerships and is leading on multi-model decisions from an investment perspective.


CFC always thinking global. They want a multi-club model with Eghbali confirming France, as reported, is a priority region. "French market is interesting given the quality of the league... [&] French speakers in Africa. Africa is also a big, big market."

卻爾西一直想布局全球,他們想建立多重俱樂部模式,埃格巴里也如報導般,確認了法國是優先地區, "考量到聯賽的實力,法國市場是很有趣的... 非洲也有許多法語國家,非洲是很大、很大的市場。"

Eghbali also confirms Chelsea's first step into the multi-club market may be minority investment. "We could partner and be a minority holder on a team and still get the benefit of some of the knowhow and really firewall off the scouting and decision-making."

埃格巴里也確認卻爾西全球布局的第一步可能是少量投資, "我們可能會跟一支球隊建立合作關係、成為小股東,但仍然可以獲得其中的必需知識,例如球探和決策系統。"

Away from the football side, Chelsea also want to expand the brand. The belief is the £2.3bn purchase price is a 'bargain' and thus if the club globalises and modernises, plus naturally succeeds on field, profit will come quite fast.

足球層面之外,卻爾西也想要擴展品牌,新老闆們覺得當初花的 23 億英鎊相當划算,一旦俱樂部全球化和現代化之後,再加上場上的成功,很快就能發大財。

Expansion of the brand, and optimising partnerships or things like digital content, is a clear strategic goal alongside (not at the expense of) football success. This remains the priority. "You've got to put a good product on the field. You've got to win...

拓展品牌、強化夥伴關係或數位內容等方面,伴隨著足球方面的成功(並非以犧牲成績為代價),都是很清晰的策略目標,競技成功仍是最優先的, "好戰績是必須的,你必須要贏..."

"Your content, your asset is that play and the opportunity to make it a platform is there. These things are generally not well-managed. Some US ownership, like FSG or the Abu Dhabi model with MCFC, have done it well. But for the most part, these things haven't been optimised."

"你的內容、你的資產就是足球,現在我們有機會將它變成一個平台,這些事一般並沒有被好好的管理著。像 FSG 或曼城的阿布達比模式就做得很好,但在其它大部分地方都還沒被強化過。"

Chelsea are not only looking at football models. They'll take inspiration from the US sports market, which is unsurprising given the ownership's knowledge of it. "We think European sports is probably 20 years behind US sports in terms of sophistication on the commercial side...

卻爾西不只著眼在足球模式上,他們還將受到美國運動市場的啟發,畢竟新老闆擁有豐富的該類知識, "我們認為歐洲運動的商業成熟度大概落後美國20年..."

"And sophistication on the data side. I had one super high-level sporting director at one of the world's biggest, top-three clubs tell me, when I asked about their approach to data, 'The data is my eyes'. He has six scouts and no data."

"而談到數據使用的成熟度,當我詢問數據的使用方法時,有一個超高級、任職於世界前三俱樂部的體育總監曾告訴我 '數據就是我的眼睛',他有六個球探,但沒有數據。"

Data is not just used to scout. It's vital to predict value, development and prevent injuries. And it ultimately forms part of tactical insight. How it's 'connected' at a club, and how much feeds up to the top, differs from team to team. But CFC want to be heavily data-led.


Chelsea will undoubtedly be innovative. This will come via some predictable moves, like a modern (likely phased) stadium redevelopment, which opens the door to non-football income, too. Spurs have been able to profit from this since their new stadium opened.


And, as reported, CFC will try more novel ideas to bring fans closer to the club and attract new audiences/sponsors. This will include more academy-led content, so supporters feel they know players before they break through. Chelsea Women content will be expanded as well.


Amazon also believe Chelsea are open to an 'All or Nothing' documentary, an idea that was flatly dismissed under Abramovich. Eghabli basically wants to monetise content at all levels: "We think there's a lot to do around games, media and live content stories..."

亞馬遜相信卻爾西對 'All or Nothing' 紀錄片的拍攝採開放態度,這點在阿布拉莫維奇時代可是被斷然否定。埃格巴里基本上想要從所有層面賺錢: "我們認為在比賽、媒體和直播內容上還有很多事情可做..."

CFC still against the ESL. They don't want to be part of a breakaway. But Eghbali admits, "I think the sport needs more high-quality premium matches and content. But it doesn't have to be a Super League." Boehly may also consider standing for ECA election to input across Europe.

卻爾西目前然仍反對歐洲超級聯賽,他們不想自立門戶,但埃格巴里承認: "我認為這項運動需要更高水準的頂級比賽和內容,但不一定得是歐超。" 伯利也許會考慮參加歐洲俱樂部協會的選舉,以便增加他在歐洲的影響力。

Eghbali: "Could you see a EPL vs. Serie A All-Star Game? Or we could do a pre-season match that puts more premium content on the pitch?" CFC already want in on an EPL endorsed pre-season tournament in America and see big earning potential in America ahead of the 2026 World Cup.

埃格巴里說: "你想看英超對上義甲的全明星賽嗎? 或者我們可以辦個有更高級內容的季前賽?" 卻爾西已經想要一個有英超名義的美國季前錦標賽,考量到 2026 年舉辦世界盃,美國有巨大的營利潛力。

The other major aim is to save money rather than only just bringing it in. This will be done via lowering the overall club salary and trying to offer long-term deals with heavy earning incentives.


This is also why it's been tough negotiating with N'Golo Kante. CFC don't want to set a precedent for long-term lucrative contracts for senior players approaching mid-thirties. If they cave to Kante, Jorginho (who is set to start meaningful talks) has leverage to some degree.


This extends to signings, too. CFC know they need some short-term fixes to try and qualify for UCL. But once the full recruitment team is in place, and the multi-club model built, the hope is for smaller transfer-window spends and high priority placed on younger players.


Eghbali: "How do you control salary cost? I think if there's a global pool of talent, the multi club model comes into play. You can have clubs that can be development pathways for players [so] you're not signing the 30-year-old free agent...

埃格巴里說: "要如何控制薪水開支? 我認為如果有一個環球人才庫,多俱樂部模式就能發揮作用,你可以擁有許多俱樂部,對球員來說有許多的發展道路,如此一來就不用簽下30歲的自由球員..."

"There's a path to controlling labour costs and still producing a winning product using data and the multi-club model, an interesting tool for trading. Red Bull, which does it well, has a £40m payroll for their largest club and generate £50-100m yearly in profit in trading."

"利用數據和多俱樂部模式這種有趣的交易工具,控制勞動成本但又可以獲得場上成功是可以做到的,像紅牛集團就做得很好,他們最大俱樂部的工資支出是 4000 萬英鎊,但每年透過交易球員可以獲利 5000 萬到 1 億英鎊。"

When Eghbali talks of not signing the '30-year-old free agent' he's not referencing Cristiano Ronaldo. Nonetheless, CFC won't move for Ronaldo because Graham Potter is against the move. But the intrigue (especially to Boehly) was due to his commercial/brand benefit to Chelsea.

埃格巴里談到 '不簽30歲的自由球員' 時,他並非是指C羅,雖然卻爾西因為主教練波特的反對而不會去簽C羅,但這名球員吸引人(特別是伯利)的地方是他的商業和品牌利益。

Appeal of multi-club model to CFC comes from not only how it creates pathways, but also should a player signed not succeed they can still be sold for a profit. That money can be used to invest in more established targets and/or players who fall outside of the model's strategy.


Eghbali also gives insight into why Chelsea are so impressed by Brighton. "We hired a coach from Brighton and we think they are one of the best-run teams in the Premier League. The owner is from a sport-gaming, data background...

埃格巴里還透漏了為何布萊頓讓卻爾西如此印象深刻: "我們雇用了一個來自布萊頓的主教練,我們認為布萊頓是英超運作最好的球隊之一,他們的老闆出身於運動博弈業,有著數據背景..."

"He [Tony Bloom] spends 10% of the payroll, wins almost as much [as those who spend far more] and has a very stable, mid-market, mid-table, very profitable club."

"東尼.布魯姆只花了人家 10% 的薪資就贏下幾乎一樣多的比賽,他擁有的是一家非常穩定、中間市場、中游成績、非常賺錢的俱樂部。"

Eghbali also asked if Clearlake have an exit strategy. Says there are "certainly businesses you want to own for a long time". Clearlake gave a minimum 10-year commitment to CFC. Eghbali's hands-on approach suggests a long-term vision. Level of ambition is sky-high and exciting.

埃格巴里還被問到清湖財團是否有退場機制,他說 "有某些事業是想長期擁有的"。清湖承諾持有卻爾西至少十年,埃格巴里親力親為的態度說明了這份長期願景,這個野望的等級直達天際,非常刺激。




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